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    data: Union[VizDataInput, List[VizDataInput], Tuple[VizDataInput, ...]],
    scatterplot_kwargs: Optional[ScatterplotLayerKwargs] = None,
    path_kwargs: Optional[PathLayerKwargs] = None,
    polygon_kwargs: Optional[PolygonLayerKwargs] = None,
    map_kwargs: Optional[MapKwargs] = None,
    con: Optional[DuckDBPyConnection] = None
) -> Map

A high-level function to plot your data easily.

The goal of this function is to make it simple to get something showing on a map. For more control over rendering, construct Map and Layer objects directly.

This function accepts a variety of geospatial inputs:

  • GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.
  • GeoPandas GeoSeries.
  • numpy array of Shapely objects.
  • Single Shapely object.
  • A DuckDB query with a spatial column from DuckDB Spatial.


    The DuckDB query must be run with duckdb.sql() or duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection.sql() and not with duckdb.execute() or duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection.execute().

    For example

    import duckdb
    from lonboard import viz
    sql = "SELECT * FROM spatial_table;"
    query = duckdb.sql(sql)

    If you're using a custom connection, ensure you pass in the con parameter:

    import duckdb
    from lonboard import viz
    con = duckdb.connect()
    sql = "SELECT * FROM spatial_table;"
    query = con.sql(sql)
    viz(query, con=con)

    You can also render an entire table by using the table() method:

    import duckdb
    from lonboard import viz
    con = duckdb.connect()
    con.execute("CREATE TABLE spatial_table AS ...;")
    viz(con.table(), con=con)


    DuckDB Spatial does not currently expose coordinate reference system information, so the user must ensure that data has been reprojected to EPSG:4326.

  • Any Python class with a __geo_interface__ property conforming to the Geo Interface protocol.

  • dict holding GeoJSON-like data.
  • pyarrow Table with a geometry column marked with a GeoArrow extension type.
  • pyarrow Array marked with a GeoArrow extension type defined by geoarrow-pyarrow.

Alternatively, you can pass a list or tuple of any of the above inputs.

If you want to easily add more data, to an existing map, you can pass the output of viz into Map.add_layer.


Other Parameters:

  • scatterplot_kwargs (Optional[ScatterplotLayerKwargs]) –

    a dict of parameters to pass down to all generated ScatterplotLayers.

  • path_kwargs (Optional[PathLayerKwargs]) –

    a dict of parameters to pass down to all generated PathLayers.

  • polygon_kwargs (Optional[PolygonLayerKwargs]) –

    a dict of parameters to pass down to all generated PolygonLayers.

  • map_kwargs (Optional[MapKwargs]) –

    a dict of parameters to pass down to the generated Map.

  • con (Optional[DuckDBPyConnection]) –

    the active DuckDB connection. This is necessary in some cases when passing in a DuckDB query. In particular, if you're using a non-global DuckDB connection and if your SQL query outputs the default GEOMETRY type.

For more control over rendering, construct Map and Layer objects directly.


  • Map

    widget visualizing the provided data.

VizDataInput module-attribute

VizDataInput = Union[
    Dict[str, Any],

A type definition for allowed data inputs to the viz function.