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Endpoints Factories

TiTiler's endpoints factories are helper functions that let users create a FastAPI router (fastapi.APIRouter) with a minimal set of endpoints.


Most of tiler Factories are built around, which defines basic methods to access datasets (e.g COG or STAC). The default reader is Reader for TilerFactory and MosaicBackend for MosaicTilerFactory.

Factories classes use dependencies injection to define most of the endpoint options.


class: titiler.core.factory.BaseTilerFactory

Most Factories are built from this abstract based class which is used to define commons attributes and utility functions shared between all factories.


  • register_routes: Abstract method which needs to be define by each factories.
  • url_for: Method to construct endpoint URL
  • add_route_dependencies: Add dependencies to routes.


  • reader: Dataset Reader required.
  • router: FastAPI router. Defaults to fastapi.APIRouter.
  • path_dependency: Dependency to use to define the dataset url. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.DatasetPathParams.
  • layer_dependency: Dependency to define band indexes or expression. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.BidxExprParams.
  • dataset_dependency: Dependency to overwrite nodata value, apply rescaling and change the I/O or Warp resamplings. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.DatasetParams.
  • process_dependency: Dependency to control which algorithm to apply to the data. Defaults to titiler.core.algorithm.algorithms.dependency.
  • rescale_dependency: Dependency to set Min/Max values to rescale from, to 0 -> 255. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.RescalingParams.
  • color_formula_dependency: Dependency to define the Color Formula. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.ColorFormulaParams.
  • colormap_dependency: Dependency to define the Colormap options. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.ColorMapParams
  • render_dependency: Dependency to control output image rendering options. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.ImageRenderingParams
  • reader_dependency: Dependency to control options passed to the reader instance init. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.DefaultDependency
  • environment_dependency: Dependency to defile GDAL environment at runtime. Default to lambda: {}.
  • supported_tms: List of available TileMatrixSets. Defaults to morecantile.tms.
  • default_tms: Default TileMatrixSet identifier to use. Defaults to WebMercatorQuad.
  • router_prefix: Set prefix to all factory's endpoint. Defaults to "".
  • optional_headers: List of OptionalHeader which endpoints could add (if implemented). Defaults to [].
  • route_dependencies: Additional routes dependencies to add after routes creations. Defaults to [].
  • extension: TiTiler extensions to register after endpoints creations. Defaults to [].
  • templates: Jinja2 templates to use in endpoints. Defaults to titiler.core.factory.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES.


class: titiler.core.factory.TilerFactory

Factory meant to create endpoints for single dataset using rio-tiler's Reader.


  • reader: Dataset Reader. Defaults to Reader.
  • stats_dependency: Dependency to define options for rio-tiler's statistics method used in /statistics endpoints. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.StatisticsParams.
  • histogram_dependency: Dependency to define numpy's histogram options used in /statistics endpoints. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.HistogramParams.
  • img_preview_dependency: Dependency to define image size for /preview and /statistics endpoints. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.PreviewParams.
  • img_part_dependency: Dependency to define image size for /bbox and /feature endpoints. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.PartFeatureParams.
  • tile_dependency: Dependency to defile buffer and padding to apply at tile creation. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.TileParams.
  • add_preview: . Add /preview endpoint to the router. Defaults to True.
  • add_part: . Add /bbox and /feature endpoints to the router. Defaults to True.
  • add_viewer: . Add /map endpoints to the router. Defaults to True.


from fastapi import FastAPI

from titiler.core.factory import TilerFactory

# Create FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()

# Create router and register set of endpoints
cog = TilerFactory(

# add router endpoint to the main application
Method URL Output Description
GET /bounds JSON (Bounds) return dataset's bounds
GET /info JSON (Info) return dataset's basic info
GET /info.geojson GeoJSON (InfoGeoJSON) return dataset's basic info as a GeoJSON feature
GET /statistics JSON (Statistics) return dataset's statistics
POST /statistics GeoJSON (Statistics) return dataset's statistics for a GeoJSON
GET /tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin create a web map tile image from a dataset
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON (TileJSON) return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /point/{lon},{lat} JSON (Point) return pixel values from a dataset
GET /preview[.{format}] image/bin create a preview image from a dataset Optional
GET /bbox/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}[/{width}x{height}].{format} image/bin create an image from part of a dataset Optional
POST /feature[/{width}x{height}][.{format}] image/bin create an image from a GeoJSON feature Optional
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/map HTML return a simple map viewer Optional


class: titiler.core.factory.MultiBaseTilerFactory

Custom TilerFactory to be used with type readers (e.g


  • reader: MultiBase Dataset Reader required.
  • layer_dependency: Dependency to define assets or expression. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.AssetsBidxExprParams.
  • assets_dependency: Dependency to define assets to be used. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.AssetsParams.


from fastapi import FastAPI

from import STACReader  # STACReader is a MultiBaseReader

from titiler.core.factory import MultiBaseTilerFactory

app = FastAPI()
stac = MultiBaseTilerFactory(reader=STACReader)
Method URL Output Description
GET /bounds JSON (Bounds) return dataset's bounds
GET /assets JSON return the list of available assets
GET /info JSON (Info) return assets basic info
GET /info.geojson GeoJSON (InfoGeoJSON) return assets basic info as a GeoJSON feature
GET /asset_statistics JSON (Statistics) return per asset statistics
GET /statistics JSON (Statistics) return assets statistics (merged)
POST /statistics GeoJSON (Statistics) return assets statistics for a GeoJSON (merged)
GET /tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin create a web map tile image from assets
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON (TileJSON) return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /point/{lon},{lat} JSON (Point) return pixel values from assets
GET /preview[.{format}] image/bin create a preview image from assets Optional
GET /bbox/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}[/{width}x{height}].{format} image/bin create an image from part of assets Optional
POST /feature[/{width}x{height}][.{format}] image/bin create an image from a geojson feature intersecting assets Optional
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/map HTML return a simple map viewer Optional


class: titiler.core.factory.MultiBandTilerFactory

Custom TilerFactory to be used with type readers.


  • reader: MultiBands Dataset Reader required.
  • layer_dependency: Dependency to define assets or expression. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.BandsExprParams.
  • bands_dependency: Dependency to define bands to be used. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.BandsParams.


from fastapi import FastAPI, Query

from import LandsatC2Reader  # LandsatC2Reader is a MultiBandReader
from titiler.core.factory import MultiBandTilerFactory

def SceneIDParams(
    sceneid: Annotated[
        Query(description="Landsat Scene ID")
) -> str:
    """Use `sceneid` in query instead of url."""
    return sceneid

app = FastAPI()
landsat = MultiBandTilerFactory(reader=LandsatC2Reader, path_dependency=SceneIDParams)
Method URL Output Description
GET /bounds JSON (Bounds) return dataset's bounds
GET /bands JSON return the list of available bands
GET /info JSON (Info) return basic info for a dataset
GET /info.geojson GeoJSON (InfoGeoJSON) return basic info for a dataset as a GeoJSON feature
GET /statistics JSON (Statistics) return info and statistics for a dataset
POST /statistics GeoJSON (Statistics) return info and statistics for a dataset
GET /tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin create a web map tile image from a dataset
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON (TileJSON) return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /point/{lon},{lat} JSON (Point) return pixel value from a dataset
GET /preview[.{format}] image/bin create a preview image from a dataset Optional
GET /bbox/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}[/{width}x{height}].{format} image/bin create an image from part of a dataset Optional
POST /feature[/{width}x{height}][.{format}] image/bin create an image from a geojson feature Optional
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/map HTML return a simple map viewer Optional


class: titiler.mosaic.factory.MosaicTilerFactory

Endpoints factory for mosaics, built on top of MosaicJSON.


  • reader: BaseBackend Mosaic Reader required.
  • dataset_reader: Dataset Reader. Defaults to
  • backend_dependency: Dependency to control options passed to the backend instance init. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.DefaultDependency
  • pixel_selection_dependency: Dependency to select the pixel_selection method. Defaults to titiler.mosaic.factory.PixelSelectionParams.
  • tile_dependency: Dependency to defile buffer and padding to apply at tile creation. Defaults to titiler.core.dependencies.TileParams.
  • supported_tms: List of available TileMatrixSets. Defaults to morecantile.tms.
  • default_tms: DEPRECATED, Default TileMatrixSet identifier to use. Defaults to WebMercatorQuad.
  • add_viewer: . Add /map endpoints to the router. Defaults to True.


Method URL Output Description
GET / JSON MosaicJSON return a MosaicJSON document
GET /bounds JSON (Bounds) return mosaic's bounds
GET /info JSON (Info) return mosaic's basic info
GET /info.geojson GeoJSON (InfoGeoJSON) return mosaic's basic info as a GeoJSON feature
GET /tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin create a web map tile image from a MosaicJSON
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON (TileJSON) return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /point/{lon},{lat} JSON (Point) return pixel value from a MosaicJSON dataset
GET /{z}/{x}/{y}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a XYZ tile
GET /{lon},{lat}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a point
GET /{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a bounding box
GET /{tileMatrixSetId}/map HTML return a simple map viewer Optional


class: titiler.core.factory.TMSFactory

Endpoints factory for OGC TileMatrixSets.


  • supported_tms: List of available TileMatrixSets. Defaults to morecantile.tms.
from fastapi import FastAPI

from titiler.core.factory import TMSFactory

app = FastAPI()
tms = TMSFactory()


Method URL Output Description
GET /tileMatrixSets JSON (TileMatrixSetList) retrieve the list of available tiling schemes (tile matrix sets)
GET /tileMatrixSets/{tileMatrixSetId} JSON (TileMatrixSet) retrieve the definition of the specified tiling scheme (tile matrix set)


class: titiler.core.factory.AlgorithmFactory

Endpoints factory for custom algorithms.


  • supported_algorithm: List of available Algorithm. Defaults to titiler.core.algorithm.algorithms.
from fastapi import FastAPI

from titiler.core.factory import AlgorithmFactory

app = FastAPI()
algo = AlgorithmFactory()


Method URL Output Description
GET /algorithms JSON (Dict of Algorithm Metadata) retrieve the list of available Algorithms
GET /algorithms/{algorithmId} JSON (Algorithm Metadata) retrieve the metadata of the specified algorithm.


class: titiler.core.factory.ColorMapFactory

Endpoints factory for colorMaps metadata.


  • supported_colormaps: List of available ColorMaps. Defaults to rio_tiler.colormap.cmap.
from fastapi import FastAPI

from titiler.core.factory import ColorMapFactory

app = FastAPI()
colormap = ColorMapFactory()


Method URL Output Description
GET /colorMaps JSON (colorMapList) retrieve the list of available colorMaps
GET /colorMaps/{colorMapId} JSON (colorMap) retrieve the metadata or image of the specified colorMap.