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The titiler.application package comes with a full FastAPI application with COG, STAC and MosaicJSON supports.


Read Mosaic Info/Metadata and create Web map Tiles from a multiple COG. The mosaic router is built on top of titiler.mosaic.factor.MosaicTilerFactory.


Method URL Output Description
GET /mosaicjson/ JSON return a MosaicJSON document
GET /mosaicjson/bounds JSON return mosaic's bounds
GET /mosaicjson/info JSON return mosaic's basic info
GET /mosaicjson/info.geojson GeoJSON return mosaic's basic info as a GeoJSON feature
GET /mosaicjson/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin create a web map tile image from mosaic assets
GET /mosaicjson/{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /mosaicjson/{tileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /mosaicjson/point/{lon},{lat} JSON return pixel value from a mosaic assets
GET /mosaicjson/{z}/{x}/{y}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a XYZ tile
GET /mosaicjson/{lon},{lat}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a point
GET /mosaicjson/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/assets JSON return list of assets intersecting a bounding box
GET /mosaicjson/{tileMatrixSetId}/map HTML simple map viewer
