I’m delighted that Katy Money is joining Development Seed as our Head of Business Development to help us grow and better serve our partners and clients.
Our Partners are what makes working at Development Seed the most rewarding and exciting work of our lives. We are extremely fortunate to work closely with the some of the most innovative and driven teams at massive data players like NASA, European Space Agency, UNICEF, USGS, the World Bank, and others. Not to mention our partnerships with exciting entrepreneurial change-makers like OpenAQ and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and dozens of mission aligned nonprofits, innovative tech companies, and municipal governments that inspire and invigorate us every day. I’m so very grateful that these organizations trust us to help them build their dreams; to build the change they want to see in the world. We are smarter and better for these partnerships and for contributing to their extremely important, world changing initiatives.
For every group that we work with today, there are a dozen others that could benefit from the same open software, open algorithms, open data, and open knowledge that we are generating in our existing work. Katy joins Development Seed to help us grow our impact through new and deeper partnerships to better serve our communities. She will help us to reimagine the ways we can serve our existing partners and ways that we can package our work to make it more useful and accessible to a broader set of users. Katy is going to scale our impact-per-person, allowing us make a bigger dent in the universe while remaining a lean and hungry team.
Katy is no stranger to this challenge. Katy led growth and partnerships at Ushahidi, an organization that I deeply respect for its ability to engage the global development, humanitarian, and mapping communities. She’s developed a keen insight for the value of data-driven decision making for social good in her work at GeoPoll, Chemonics International, and AidData.
Outside of work (and in pre-pandemic times) Katy loves getting outside, traveling to new countries, trying new restaurants, and playing golf.
Katy in Argentina super jazzed about seeing penguins in the wild near the southern most tip of South America.

Reach out to Katy and welcome her to the team or find a time to connect about the work you’re doing and how DevSeed could help:
Twitter: @katymny
Github: @katymoney27
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katy-money-4861733b/
Email: [email protected]
What we're doing.