MapBox for iPad 1.5.1 Released


1 min read

We’ve just released MapBox for iPad 1.5.1, improving GeoJSON support and preparing the app for the imminent release of iOS 5. We’ve also fixed a couple of small bugs and adjusted the app to better reflect our renaming of TileStream Hosting to MapBox Hosting.

In this post I’ll give some more details about the new GeoJSON features. With 1.5, we added support for Point and LineString elements, but now we've expanded that to include Polygon items, like the one in the image below. In addition, we've added support for all of the collections like MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. With these we've rounded out support for everything in the GeoJSON spec.

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We are continuing development and testing of some new features, including in-app MBTiles download support. Stay tuned for a major release of MapBox for iPad soon! In the meantime, you can keep up with our work on Twitter by following @MapBox or starting a conversation at

What we're doing.
