We're excited to share our work and connect with other earth data practitioners this year. Read below for all the places you'll find us, including some unofficial ways to connect!

The AGU Annual Meeting is just around the corner, taking place December 8–13, 2024, in Washington, DC. As one of the largest gatherings of Earth and space scientists, AGU is a great opportunity to share innovations and collaborate on solutions to pressing challenges. We are excited to participate again this year with presentations, posters, and events that showcase some of our work at the intersection of open science, geospatial visualization, and cloud-native technologies.
This year, we're especially excited about advancements in geospatial Foundation Models, a growing focus in our work. We’re also sharing our experiences on topics such as advancing open science practices, leveraging dynamic visualization tools, and increasing data accessibility using STAC and VirtualiZarr. Many of these efforts are in partnership with NASA IMPACT, a collaboration focused on driving innovation in Earth science data accessibility and usability.
We can’t wait to connect with the AGU community to share our progress, exchange ideas, and explore new opportunities for collaboration. Here’s where you can find us throughout the week:
Presentations & Posters
Sunday, December 8
PREWS9: Mastering Geospatial Visualizations with GMT/PyGMT (workshop)
Wei Ji Leong, PhD & Max Jones, PhD
Monday, December 9
U11A-02: Advancing Open Science: Lessons Learned from NASA Projects (link)
Aimee Barciauskas supported by NASA IMPACT
U12B-07: Exploring the History and Future of GMT Through Mentorship and Governance (link)
Max Jones, PhD
IN14B-06: On-the-fly Raster Visualizations Leveraging STAC Metadata Standards (link)
Saadiq Mohiuddin supported by NASA IMPACT
IN14B-07: Dynamic Tiling for Earth Data Visualization (link)
Aimee Barciauskas supported by NASA IMPACT
Tuesday, December 10
IN21D: Scaling Data Discovery with Dynamic Spatial Aggregations Using STAC Metadata (poster)
Emma Paz supported by NASA IMPACT
GC23A: Choosing Earth Foundation Models: From Research Grade to Community Maintained (poster)
Wei Ji Leong, PhD
Wednesday, December 11
IN31C: VirtualiZarr: Create Virtual Zarr Stores Using Xarray Syntax (poster)
Aimee Barciauskas, Max Jones, PhD & Sean Harkins
Thursday, December 12
TH43K - Interacting with Users via NODD to Advance Science and Innovation (Town Hall)
Sean Harkins
Friday, December 13
IN51F: Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP): Preparing for Scientific Analysis of NISAR Data in the Cloud (link)
Chuck Daniels, co-author, not presenting. NASA JPL
Community events
AGU isn't just about the talks—it's also a fantastic opportunity to connect with peers, collaborate, and recharge. Join us at these social and side events:
Cloud Connection: Open Science Social
Tuesday, December 10, 6-8pm
Co-hosted with Earthmover, this is a chance to mingle with fellow cloud enthusiasts in a relaxed atmosphere. RSVP.
Advancing Open Large Earth Models (Invite Only)
We are delighted to host a reconvening of organizations working on open Large Earth Models for the public good.
Pangeo Post-AGU Hack-day / Working Meeting
Saturday, December 14, 9 am-4:30 pm
This working meeting will bring together the Pangeo community to tackle challenges in scientific research and programming. Join the Waitlist if you'd like to attend.
Geospatial Community Social
Saturday, December 14, 5:30pm
After the Pangeo meeting we're opening up DevSeed HQ to cap off a busy week and connect with the broader geospatial community. All are welcome, whether you attended AGU or not. RSVP.
See you there
We’re looking forward to connecting with the AGU community, exchanging ideas, and sharing our latest work. Follow us on LinkedIn or Bluesky for updates throughout the conference, or reach out to us online if you’d like to meet up.
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What we're doing.