To accomplish our goal of making geospatial data and insights more accessible it requires great front end engineering. We are fortunate to have welcomed Erik Escoffier to the team as a front-end engineer with expertise in building interactive maps and dashboards. We're excited about Erik's design-thinking approach and experimentation that bridges the technical-design gap to convey complex ideas clearly and beautifully.
Erik is part of the Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA) team, a NASA project, where he applies his knowledge to make earth science more approachable. He is adept at building complex interfaces, has deep technical knowledge, and constantly explores new technologies. It is great to have another developer on the project who will bring a fresh perspective.
Before joining the team, Erik worked at Global Fishing Watch. He helped the team shine a light on human activities at sea by building interactive tools to explore geo-temporal datasets. Previously, he also founded a boutique studio dedicated to experimental data visualization.
Erik graduated from the Gobelins applied arts school in Paris, receiving a Master's Degree in Interaction Design and Engineering. Erik enjoys trail running, photography, and looking at trees when he's not coding.
We're excited to have Erik on board and can't wait to see the amazing work he'll do with us.

Erik and his son visiting the Museo del Ferrocarril in Madrid.
What we're doing.