I’m thrilled to welcome Alexandra to the DevSeed team! Alexandra is a cloud engineer who is passionate about building cloud tools and infrastructure to make geospatial data easier to find and use.
She has experience building cloud-hosted pipelines that acquire, ingest, and index satellite and climatological data as well as the services to search and discover those datasets. She is eager to build out infrastructure that supports scientific discovery and insight.
Alexandra will be working with the NASA IMPACT team to support backend development of a NASA-NOAA Collaborative Platform. This pilot platform will showcase how the two agencies can work together to share software and data. It will support post-fire burn assessment and exploration by enabling discovery and visual exploration of data from both agencies.
In her spare time, you’ll find Alexandra engrossed in a really good book or taking care of her small flock of chickens. As a New Mexico native, she enjoys exploring changing morphology of the Rio Grande with her four legged best friend.
Say hi 👋 to Alexandra on Twitter and welcome her to the team!
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