We’re heading down to USAID today to participate in the launch of the Making All Voices Count: A Grand Challenge for Development, a new public-private partnership aimed to support innovative technology solutions for open government, transparency, and accountability. We’re excited to join this conversation and talk about the future of openness in development.

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A view of Benghazi in the new MapBox Satellite imagery, made entirely of open data.

Alex, DJ, and I will be at the launch joining USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah, Madeleine Albright, and a host of other development leaders. We’ll be showcasing some of the latest tools we’ve been developing, including public aerial imagery with the launch of MapBox Satellite and UNDP’s new open data portal.

After the morning forum, we’ll have a table to demo our recent projects and continue the conversation. If you’re down at the event, stop by and say hello or reach out to me on Twitter at @nas_smith if you want to talk.

What we're doing.
