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Endpoints Factories

tipg creates endpoints using Endpoint Factories classes which abstract the definition of input dependency for all the endpoints.

# pseudo code
class Factory:

    collections_dependency: Callable
    collection_dependency: Callable

    def __init__(self, collections_dependency: Callable, collection_dependency: Callable):
        self.collections_dependency = collections_dependency
        self.collection_dependency = collection_dependency
        self.router = APIRouter()


    def register_routes(self):

        def collections(
            request: Request,

        def collection(
            request: Request,

        def items(
            request: Request,
            item_list = collection.features(...)

        def item(
            request: Request,
            itemId: str = Path(..., description="Item identifier"),
            item_list = collection.features(ids_filter=[itemId])

# Create FastAPI Application
app = FastAPI()

# Create a Factory instance
endpoints = Factory(collection_dependency=lambda: ["collection1", "collection2"])

# Register the factory router (with the registered endpoints) to the application

OGC Features API Factory

from tipg.factory import OGCFeaturesFactory

app = FastAPI()
endpoints = OGCFeaturesFactory(with_common=True)

Creation Options

  • collections_dependency (Callable[..., tipg.collections.CollectionList]): Callable which return a CollectionList dictionary

  • collection_dependency (Callable[..., tipg.collections.Collection]): Callable which return a Collection instance

  • with_common (bool, optional): Create Full OGC Features API set of endpoints with OGC Common endpoints (landing / and conformance /conformance). Defaults to True

  • router (fastapi.APIRouter, optional): FastAPI

  • router_prefix (str, optional): prefix for the whole set of endpoints

  • templates (starlette.templating.Jinja2Templates, optional): Templates to be used in endpoint's responses

  • title (str, optional): Title of for the endpoints (only used if with_common=True)


Method Path Output Description
GET /collections HTML / JSON list of available collections
GET /collections/{collectionId} HTML / JSON collection's metadata
GET /collections/{collectionId}/queryables HTML / SchemaJSON available queryable for a collection
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items HTML / JSON / NDJSON / GeoJSON/ GeoJSONSeq / CSV a set of items for a collection
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} HTML / JSON/GeoJSON one collection's item
GET /conformance HTML / JSON conformance class landing Page
GET / HTML / JSON landing page

OGC Tiles API Factory

from tipg.factory import OGCTilesFactory

app = FastAPI()
endpoints = OGCTilesFactory(with_common=True)

Creation Options

  • collection_dependency (Callable[..., tipg.collections.Collection]): Callable which return a Collection instance

  • supported_tms (morecantile.TileMatrixSets): morecantile TileMatrixSets instance (holds a set of TileMatrixSet documents)

  • with_viewer (bool, optional): add /viewer endpoint to visualize the Vector tile. Defaults to True

  • with_common (bool, optional): Create Full OGC Features API set of endpoints with OGC Common endpoints (landing / and conformance /conformance). Defaults to True

  • router (fastapi.APIRouter, optional): FastAPI

  • router_prefix (str, optional): prefix for the whole set of endpoints

  • templates (starlette.templating.Jinja2Templates, optional): Templates to be used in endpoint's responses

  • title (str, optional): Title of for the endpoints (only used if with_common=True)


Method Path Output Description
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles JSON list of available vector tilesets
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId} JSON vector tileset metadata
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y} Mapbox Vector Tile (Protobuf) create a web map vector tile from collection's items
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/style.json JSON Mapbox/Maplibre StyleJSON document
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/viewer HTML simple map viewer [OPTIONAL]
GET /tileMatrixSets JSON list of available TileMatrixSets
GET /tileMatrixSets/{tileMatrixSetId} JSON TileMatrixSet document
GET /conformance HTML / JSON conformance class landing Page
GET / HTML / JSON landing page

OGC Features + Tiles API Factory

from tipg.factory import Endpoints

app = FastAPI()
endpoints = Endpoints()

Creation Options

  • collections_dependency (Callable[..., tipg.collections.CollectionList]): Callable which return a CollectionList dictionary

  • collection_dependency (Callable[..., tipg.collections.Collection]): Callable which return a Collection instance

  • supported_tms (morecantile.TileMatrixSets): morecantile TileMatrixSets instance (holds a set of TileMatrixSet documents)

  • with_tiles_viewer (bool, optional): add /viewer endpoint to visualize the Vector tile. Defaults to True

  • with_common (bool, optional): Create Full OGC Features API set of endpoints with OGC Common endpoints (landing / and conformance /conformance). Defaults to True

  • router (fastapi.APIRouter, optional): FastAPI

  • router_prefix (str, optional): prefix for the whole set of endpoints

  • templates (starlette.templating.Jinja2Templates, optional): Templates to be used in endpoint's responses

  • title (str, optional): Title of for the endpoints (only used if with_common=True)


Method Path Output Description
GET /collections HTML / JSON list of available collections
GET /collections/{collectionId} HTML / JSON collection's metadata
GET /collections/{collectionId}/queryables HTML / SchemaJSON available queryable for a collection
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items HTML / JSON / NDJSON / GeoJSON/ GeoJSONSeq / CSV a set of items for a collection
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} HTML / JSON/GeoJSON one collection's item
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles JSON list of available vector tilesets
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId} JSON vector tileset metadata
GET /collections/{collectionId}/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y} Mapbox Vector Tile (Protobuf) create a web map vector tile from collection's items
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/style.json JSON Mapbox/Maplibre StyleJSON document
GET /collections/{collectionId}/{tileMatrixSetId}/viewer HTML simple map viewer [OPTIONAL]
GET /tileMatrixSets JSON list of available TileMatrixSets
GET /tileMatrixSets/{tileMatrixSetId} JSON TileMatrixSet document
GET /conformance HTML / JSON conformance class landing Page
GET / HTML / JSON landing page