Wille Marcel is a Map Data Engineer at Development Seed. He focuses on building tools to collect, manage, distribute, and analyze map data. He has extensive experience in the geospatial industry, from mapping and data analysis to building APIs and web applications. Wille is a certified Professional Scrum Product Owner.
Previously, Wille worked with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team and led the frontend development of Version 4 of the Tasking Manager, a tool to coordinate mapping on OpenStreetMap. He developed OSMCha in 2015, one of the primary validation tools for OpenStreetMap, used by industry leaders and individual contributors. He shares his expertise with OpenStreetMap at conferences around the world, such as State of the Map US and State of the Map Brazil.
When not working, he likes to bike, walk or sail around his home of Salvador, Brazil. He enjoys trying new foods, learning about other cultures, and mapping on OpenStreetMap.