Brianna Pagán


Brianna Pagán picture

Brianna is first and foremost an environmentalist with a passion for making science accessible and understandable to the masses. She brings over a decade of experience working from local to international environmental efforts, in a broad-range of groups including start-ups, research labs, open-source communities and government facilities. Brianna most recently worked as Deputy Manager of NASA’s Goddard Earth Sciences Center Data and Information Services Center helping the orchestration of the transition from on premise services to an entirely cloud-based infrastructure and managing various engineering, science, and data curation teams totaling 70+ people. Brianna previously spent time working at the interface of remote sensing research and software development with positions at VITO and SpaceSense. She teaches courses on geospatial informatics, climate resilience and sustainable engineering as an Adjunct Professor at Loyola Marymount University’s College of Science and Engineering.

Brianna is also passionate about open source development, co-leading the GeoZarr specification development, nominated to the Pangeo Steering Council and Founding Editorial Board Member of Cloud-Native Geospatial Foundation. She has a PhD in Remote Sensing and Ecohydrology from Ghent University and a Masters in Civil Engineering from Loyola Marymount University. When she’s not at her computer - Brianna is running in the Los Angeles area on Chumash and Tongva lands with her two dogs and remains active in outdoor industry philanthropic activities serving as a board member of Footprints Running and an ultra-runner for the NNormal team and Kilian Jornet Foundation.

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