Designing the Future of Food


11 min read

A look inside the Global Food Twin Design Sprint process.

  • Large NGO Advocacy Stakeholder

    Someone who represents a large NGO (e.g., Oxfam, FAO) on the communications, fundraising, or situational analysis team. They may visit the Global Food Twin to enhance their situation analysis after a major event and identify the people likely impacted. Ultimately, their goal is to support advocacy work around human rights and food security so that they can make the world aware of the situation and get funding from organizations like the World Bank, IMF, etc.

  • Financial decision-making at a large aid organization

    Someone who represents a large aid/ international finance institution such as the World Bank, IMF, GIZ, DFID, USAID, or Green Climate Fund. They may visit the Global Food Twin to get a high-level sense of how a forecasted description might influence specific trading routes or countries and to figure out the potential costs. Even though we are not building a finance forecasting model, value can be added by visualizing the whole food system and providing open-source data supporting other organizations' global analysis work.

  • Researcher or data scientist in academia / R&D

    Someone who represents an R&D group in academia or think tank with an interest in adaptation responses. This is different from the other two use cases, which share a common journey, but it’s possible that they may visit the Global Food Twin as inspiration for their own research. More practically, they may want to use the underlying data (open source) as inputs for their modeling work.

Fig. 1: Users and Use Cases collaborative workshop space (Left). After the session, we summarized the main users and use cases into a simple, high-level journey map with the goal of pinpointing what general part of a user’s journey the Global Food Twin could be useful in. This would set us up for future user research and testing (Right).

Fig. 2: Some of the ideas shared with the group.

Fig. 3: Example wireframes.

What we're doing.
