Interested in discussions around internet freedom or open source stacks? Or do you prefer to dive into code at hackathons or have your discussions over beers? Check out the technology events happening in town this week for your dose of startups, code, crisis mapping, and more.
Wednesday, October 10
5:30 pm
Science and Academic Freedom in the Digital Age : The American Association for the Advancement of Science is hosting this event on internet freedom to discuss what implications is has for the work of scientists and engineers. Come out for this discuss and for the reception to follow.
8:30 pm — 2:00 am
DC Nightowls Coworking Session : Want to put some spark into your project idea? Come to this after hours session to work alongside others trying to launch a new project or business idea and get fired up.
Thursday, October 11
6:00–9:00 pm
Crisis Mapping ICT4Drinks : This happy hour kicks of the International Crisis Mapping conference in town this weekend. Come out for drinks with people working in crisis mapping, data management, and related fields. We’ll be there talking about using MapBox for disaster response.
6:30 pm
OpenStackDC Meetup #5 : This month’s meetup will include presentations on Juju, Puppet, and one on multinode deployment with Quantum from our friends at BlackMesh. Come out to hear presentations and meet others building with open source tools.
This Weekend
10:00 am — 6:00 pm
Random Hacks of Kindness at ICCM : The Random Hacks of Kindness hackathon is teaming up with the International Crisis Mapping conference to work on tools to solve problems faced during humanitarian crises and disaster response. Specifically they’re looking for mappers, humanitarians, and developers to turn out some interesting new tools and projects.
What we're doing.