Hope you had a happy Memorial Day and put the long, hot weekend to good use. This week it’s back to work here in Washington, DC, with lots of technology events happening as usual. This coming weekend is a particularly busy one, with hack days, workshops, and other ways for you to pick up some skills while meeting new people.
Tuesday, May 29
6:30 pm
ONA DC : Still in the partying mood after the long weekend? Come out to ONA’s happy hour tonight to chat with other journalists using technology to better tell stories.
Friday, June 1
5:00–9:00 pm
DC Tech Meetup #14 : Ever wanted to see the literal inside of the local tech community? Dupont startups are opening their doors on Friday to show off their offices and work. Check out the map and plan your startup tour.
This Weekend (June 2 and 3)
Friday at 7:00 pm and all day Saturday
DC Python Workshop : This ladies-only workshop will teach the basics of programming in python, from setting up your development environment to covering the basic concepts of the language to diving in and coding.
All weekend
Health 2.0 Code-a-thon : Have your own idea for a health and fitness app, or another technological tool that would help prevent obesity? Come out to this hack day to implement your idea and help others work on theirs.
All weekend
NoVA EDU Startup Weekend : This event will bring together teachers, developers, and entrepreneurs to develop educational businesses and apps that utilize existing data sets on the Virginia school system.
All weekend
Studyhall’s DC Tech Hackathon : If you use the Studyhall platform and want to help make it better, check out their hackathon to lend a hand in building out the platform.
What we're doing.