The monthly NodeDC meetup is tonight (Wednesday, May 16) at 7:00 pm at Stetson’s Bar and Grill, near the intersection of 16th and U streets NW here in Washington, DC. This is a great opportunity to meet local node.js developers and hear what they’re working on, and in general to learn more about the popular platform for building fast, scalable applications.
There will be a round of introductions starting at 7:30 pm, followed by two lightning talks:
John Kelvie and Michael Myers of Atomizer Software will present the technical design of a game they are building with node.js, and request feedback.
David Rees will talk about Derby.js, a MVC framework for writing realtime, collaborative applications that run in Node.js and browsers, and compare it to Meteor.
After the talks, plan to stick around for more conversations over drinks.
NodeDC meets monthly, usually on the third Wednesday of the month. For updates, watch on github, follow @nodedc on Twitter, and join the meetup group. See you tonight!

What we're doing.