Check out our new status site — — for MapBox Hosting. The site monitors for any disruptions across our entire service, allowing MapBox users to quickly and clearly learn about any problems.
The site will be used in conjunction with our @MapBox Twitter account to increase transparency about any problems that arise and the steps our team is taking to correct them quickly. The site is hosted with GitHub pages, separate from our other infrastructure, so it can reliably remain online through outages that could cause some parts of our site to be unavailable.
The page is designed to inform you about the overall system status at first glance. When the header is green, everything is normal and your maps are being delivered at high speed. A yellow header indicates a minor service disruption. Non-critical parts of the service may be delayed or unavailable, but all maps are still online. A red header indicates a major service disruption that may be affecting our ability to deliver maps. If the header is ever yellow or red, it means our team is working hard to bring the service back to full operation as quickly as possible. We’ll post technical details about the outage and what our team is doing to resolve it to the incident log.

If you ever have trouble reaching the MapBox service, check the status site first. If there isn’t anything posted, the site provides instructions on how to report outages to our team by sending an email to [email protected], which gets routed into a system that notifies us of critical issues immediately. If the problem isn’t an emergency, you can start a discussion with our support team at
We’re dedicated to maintaining high availability on MapBox Hosting, and this site will help us proactively communicate with customers in the event of a problem.
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