The first DC Node.js Meetup is coming up on Monday, July 18, and we’re happy to be hosting it in our newly enhanced garage. We are using Node.js in all of our projects, and we’re hoping that this meetup will bring together other developers using Node.js so we can all share stories, learn from each other, and have fun over some beers.

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We’ll have a series of five minute lightning talks about topics related to Node.js. Here’s the lineup so far:

  • An Intro to Node.js: A quick rundown of the basic principles of Node.js and what types problems it’s meant to solve. We’ll record this one so we won’t have to repeat it at future events.

  • Setting up a node development environment with nvm and npm: Developing applications with Node.js begins with setting up a development environment. Learn how nvm can help you manage multiple versions of node and how npm can help you use libraries from other developers and share your own.

  • Demo of the requisitioner module: Requisitioner takes node style modules and wraps them to make them compatible with Asynchronous Module Definition, and usable in a web browser.

We have room for a few more talks. If you’d like to present, send your topic to @developmentseed or [email protected]. We’ll have a projector, screen, and internet, and slides and demos are welcome.

The meetup will kick off at 7:00 pm, and we’ll start the lightning talks at 7:30 pm after a round of introductions. Bring some beer/drinks to share with the group — we’ll provide the fridge and some snacks. RSVP here and hope to see you there!

What we're doing.
