UPDATE: We’re moving fast and the documentation discussed on this page is out of date. As of TileMill 0.7.0 you can upload to MapBox Hosting for free 7-day map hosting and use the embed feature to put your map on any webpage or CMS — including Drupal. For advanced integration, you can learn about when to use the MapBox API and Wax instead.

We had a great time showing how to use TileMill and TileStream with Drupal at Monday’s DC Drupal Meetup. As a followup, I’ve posted two documents that provide step-by-step instructions on how to get custom maps installed on your Drupal site.

To follow these steps, you’ll need to have TileMill installed on your computer and TileStream installed on a web accessible server. As you test these tools, feel free to join us on support.mapbox.com and in the #mapbox IRC channel on freenode.net. Feedback is highly encouraged.

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What we're doing.
