HaitiAidMap.org launched this past week with a large data update. The site maps hundreds of projects in Haiti being run by dozens of NGOs operating on the ground. This visual linking of project data to organizations, clusters, and communes is key for InterAction — the NGO coordinating body running the site and collecting and cleaning all the data — as they work to improve coordination and resource allocation while transparently showing where external organizations are operating in the country.
The site focuses on showing project density across the whole country, allowing users to quickly filter by “cluster” (the issue area a program focuses on), and changing out base layer maps to show terrain maps and earthquake magnitude maps for added context. You can jump directly to a cluster, commune, or organization page from the front page.

InterAction manages their data in a series of CSV files (most of the data comes in via email in a combination of Excel & Word files, and the team at InterAction then cleans all the data and puts it into CSV with some help from FortiusOne’s GeoIQ tool). The site, built on Drupal, then uses Feeds to take this cleaned data and pull it into the site to populate pages, allowing InterAction to rapidly communicate their data with all of their partners. Here is a review of the subpages that are automatically powered from the CSV import.
Filter by Commune: From the front page, you can quickly jump to see all projects in a commune. Here is a look at the projects happening in Port au Prince.

Filter by Cluster: You can also filter by cluster, and each of the 12 cluster pages has their own landing page. Here on the Health Cluster page you can see a full listing of all health projects and the organizations managing them, in addition a graph of the top organizations working in this sector (we are using the Raphaël JavaScript Library for this) and the main donors funding them.

Filter by Organization: From every page you can jump to profiles for the NGOs running these projects. Here is what the American Red Cross profile looks like:

And every project has a project landing page:

Laia Grino, Coordinator of NGO Effectiveness, presented the higher level background of this project last week at the DC Drupal Meetup, discussing the six month anniversary of the earthquake and sharing InterAction’s long term goals for improving data collection and dissemination in Haiti.

This site will be very active over the next year as efforts transition from relief to reconstruction. There are a lot of actors and a lot of money at stake. InterAction members responding to the earthquake in Haiti have raised at least $973 million in funding from private sources, $400 million of which is focused on relief efforts while the additional $500 million will be used for long-term development efforts.
What we're doing.