Open Development Camp: Pushing Transparency in International Aid
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- 1 min read
This Friday, July 10th, development and technology folks will be getting together to talk about how international aid can become more transparent, open, and collaborative at “Open Development Camp”: At the event, people will be discussing initiatives already underway to make development work more transparent, as well as some of the larger topics behind it like data standards, data accessibility, data visualization and collaboration tools, and what this all means for the field.
It’s great to see this event happening and for it to be pushed forward by large development agencies like the “World Bank”:, “Development Gateway”:, and USAID itself through the “Global Development Commons”: From our team, “Eric”:, “Will”:, and “Alex”: will be there to share some of our thoughts and experiences about opening up data and working with data from aid agencies.
The event is sold out, but you can follow what’s happening on twitter at #opendevcamp. Also, we’ll be tweeting about it from “@developmentseed”: and there’s a “Ning community set up where you can get involved”: Lastly, there’s “a happy hour before the event on Thursday”: if you want to get a sneak peak and meet some of the people involved in this.
“More information on Open Development Camp is available here”:
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