Context, Spaces, and Organic Groups


1 min read

Over the last month we’ve done a series of blogposts and screencasts that convey an approach to speeding up site building using Context and Spaces to create reusable Drupal ‘features’.

We’ve talked about how to build features. We’ve also talked about how to export those features and use them in your own custom modules.

Now let’s look at how to integrate your features with Organic Groups and some of the per-group customization this offers. In today’s screencast we’ll talk about:

  • Space types beyond “site-wide” spaces

  • Using Context UI to allow your feature to interact with multiple space-types

  • The Views filters provided by Spaces that give you control over how your features behave both in and out of the spaces you put them in

If you haven’t watched the first and second screencasts in this series, I’d recommend checking them out first as we’ll build on some concepts discussed in those videos.

DrupalCon starts in just two days! We can’t wait to see you all there. I’ll be doing a presentation with Young Hahn and Ian Ward on our approach to A Paradigm for Reusable Drupal Features on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. There will also be several Birds of a Feather discussions related to building “features” in Drupal like we’re doing here with Context and Spaces.

UPDATE: You can track news and conversation about feature-building using Context and Spaces during Drupalcon using the #spaces tag on Twitter.

What we're doing.
