Caching strategies for titiler-xarray’s xarray.open_dataset

When creating image tiles from xarray datasets – whether they are zarr, virtual zarr or anything else xarray-readable – the 2 most expensive operations are reading opening the dataset with xarray, requiring multiple S3 or HTTPs requests (how many depends on the dataset) and reprojection. By caching the result of xarray.open_dataset, we hope to improve performance of the titiler-xarray API for all subsequent requests.

This document evaluates 3 options for caching:

  1. Diskcache using AWS Lambda ephemeral storage
  2. Fsspec’s filecache with AWS Elastic File System (EFS)
  3. Redis in-memory cache with AWS Elasticache

Estimating load + storage

We need to estimate load and storage in order to estimate costs.

Max load estimate

We estimate a max load of a throughput of 500kb for 185 req/s and 10GB storage for xarray metadata files.

metadata_size_gb = 0.0005 # most costs are in GB
max_req_per_sec = 185
estimated_storage_metadata_only = 1
estimated_storage_files = 1200


  • Metadata storage: Most xarray dataset objects stored in memcached are <1mb (~100kb). 500kb provides an upper limit. If we store 100 datasets that is only 0.5 GB.
  • For fsspec’s cache, the system caches actual files. For this scenario, we estimate 1.2TB or 1200 GB of storage. Why 1.2TB? Because of the bursting throughput requirements of EFS.
  • Max requests per second: GIBS max requests per day are about 16 million which is 185 req/s average (see
# check max_reqmax_req_per_sec == max gibs req/s
max_daily_gibs_req = 16e6
assert(max_req_per_sec == round(max_daily_gibs_req/24/60/60))

Baseline Costs - Lambda

Titiler-xarray runs on lambda. The associated costs will be for:

  • run time (charged by gb/sec)
  • number of requests
  • ephemeral storage (also gb/sec)
seconds_per_month = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
gb_second_cost_runtime = 0.0000166667 # Duration is calculated from the time your code begins executing until it returns or otherwise terminates, rounded up to the nearest 1 ms*. The price depends on the amount of memory you allocate to your function.
# All lambdas were set at the maximum memory (10GB)
memory_gb = 10
# and this cost would be associated with the execution time,
# so obviously faster execution is cheaper.
max_monthly_runtime_cost = gb_second_cost_runtime * memory_gb * seconds_per_month
print(f"Estimated monthly run time cost for lambda: ${round(max_monthly_runtime_cost, 2)}")
Estimated monthly run time cost for lambda: $432.0
cost_per_million_requests = 0.2
max_requests_per_month = max_daily_gibs_req * 30
max_monthly_requests_costs = cost_per_million_requests * max_requests_per_month/1e6
print(f"Estimated monthly requests cost for lambda: ${round(max_monthly_requests_costs, 2)}")
Estimated monthly requests cost for lambda: $96.0
gb_second_cost_storage = 0.0000000309
storage_gb = 10
max_monthly_storage_cost = gb_second_cost_storage * seconds_per_month * storage_gb
print(f"Estimated monthly storage cost for lambda: ${round(max_monthly_storage_cost, 2)}")
Estimated monthly storage cost for lambda: $0.8
total_max_monthly_lambda_cost = max_monthly_runtime_cost + max_monthly_requests_costs + max_monthly_storage_cost
print(f"Total max monthly cost: ${round(total_max_monthly_lambda_cost, 2)}")
Total max monthly cost: $528.8

NAT Gateway

For options 2 and 3, a NAT Gateway is required. In order to communicate with the internet, the lambda nees a public IP address. A NAT Gateway provides an IP address for services in a private subnet. The lambda and services it communicates with such as Elasticache and Elastic File System may exist in the same VPC and communicate within that network. But for the lambda to make requests outside of that network, it needs a NAT Gateway. More information is available from AWS:

hrs_per_month = 24 * 30
nat_gateway_cost_per_hour = 0.045
nat_gateway_run_cost = nat_gateway_cost_per_hour * hrs_per_month
print(f"Cost to run nat gateway per month: ${nat_gateway_run_cost}")
Cost to run nat gateway per month: $32.4
# Data Transfer OUT From Amazon EC2 To Internet is $0.09 per GB, see
# Below we find the maximum average content size is about 1400 bytes, 1.4e-6 GB
max_content_size_response_gb = 1.4e-6
gb_out_per_month = max_daily_gibs_req * 30 * max_content_size_response_gb
cost_per_gb_out = 0.09
cost_per_month = gb_out_per_month * cost_per_gb_out
print(f"Cost to transfer data out of nat gateway per month: ${cost_per_month}")
Cost to transfer data out of nat gateway per month: $60.48

Performance Results


Results are presented from 4 deployments, those with the prefix feature each has a different caching method employed.

Note: results from feature 1 (diskcache and lambda ephemeral storage) are no longer reported as that stack was torn down.

  1. dev is the dev branch and deployment, with no caching configured.
  2. feature is diskcache + Lambda ephemeral storage, code: feat/diskcache
  3. feature2 is fsspec filecache + EFS, code: feat/fsspec-filecache
  4. feature3 is elasticache, code: feat/elasticache

The most notable changes are in infrastructure/cdk/, where changes to cloud infrastructure were made, and titiler/xarray/ where changes to application code handling to account for cache reading and writing was made.

Tests were run against either a set of external datasets or fake datasets. The external datasets are real-world scenarios including a kerchunk reference, a NetCDF file, 2 public zarr stores with consolidated metadata and one private zarr store with unconsolidated and chunked metadata (prod-giovanni-cache). The fake datasets represent variations in chunk size and number of spatial chunks.

Performance Results Summary

  • Fsspec file cache has the fastest performance, however there are a number of issues outstanding.
    • Cannot support transposed coordinates, see: and
    • Error using fsspec’s blockcache with reference file systems, see:
    • Intermittent test failures which are difficult to reproduce, attributeerror 'list' has no attribute 'update'
    • Cannot support unconsolidated metadata. This needs more data to back it up but results in testing were that using unconsolidated metadata with fsspec’s filecache was prohibitively slow.
  • Diskcache and Elasticache performed roughly the same.

Tests were run numerous times and past results may be found in the notebooks in the history of Oct 22 - 25 of

Performance testing

We used the locust library to run performance tests. The test methods and scripts are documented in the in this directory.

Below, we run tests on the dev branch, deployed to which has no caching implemented.

import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
pd.options.plotting.backend = 'holoviews'
import os
import sys
import warnings
from helpers import dataframe
from helpers.eodc_hub_role import fetch_and_set_credentials
credentials = fetch_and_set_credentials()

Download results from past tests

include_exclude_string = '--exclude "*" --include "*_urls_stats.csv"'
!rm -rf downloaded_*_results
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/dev_2023-11-14_16-48-09/ downloaded_dev_results/ {include_exclude_string}
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/feature2_2023-11-14_16-49-09/ downloaded_feature2_results/ {include_exclude_string}
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/feature3_2023-11-14_16-49-56/ downloaded_feature3_results/ {include_exclude_string}
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/dev_2023-11-14_01-54-47/ downloaded_dev_results/ {include_exclude_string}
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/feature2_2023-11-14_01-56-23/ downloaded_feature2_results/ {include_exclude_string}
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/feature3_2023-11-14_01-59-35/ downloaded_feature3_results/ {include_exclude_string} 
results = { 'feature3': {}, 'feature2': {}, 'dev': {} }

def read_results(env: str = "dev"):
    # Specify the directory path and the suffix
    directory_path = f"downloaded_{env}_results/"
    suffix = "_urls_stats.csv"  # For example, if you're interested in text files

    # List all files in the directory
    all_files = os.listdir(directory_path)

    # Filter the files to only include those that end with the specified suffix
    files_with_suffix = [f"{directory_path}{f}" for f in all_files if f.endswith(suffix)]

    dfs = []
    for file in files_with_suffix:
        df = pd.read_csv(file)
        df['file'] = file

    merged_df = pd.concat(dfs)
    merged_df['dataset'] = [file.split('/')[1].replace('_urls_stats.csv', '') for file in merged_df['file']]
    results[env]['all'] = merged_df
    # The "Aggregated" results represent aggregations across tile endpoints. 
    results[env][f'Aggregated {env}'] = merged_df[merged_df['Name'] == 'Aggregated']
    return results
read_results()['dev']['Aggregated dev'].drop(columns=['Type', 'Name', 'file'])
Request Count Failure Count Median Response Time Average Response Time Min Response Time Max Response Time Average Content Size Requests/s Failures/s 50% ... 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.9% 99.99% 100% dataset
10 49 0 1500.633718 1596.383736 1500.633718 3272.885588 693.000000 1.601609 0.0000 1500 ... 1600 1600 1700 1900 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 38 38 53.000000 524.284276 42.417900 6673.102189 25.000000 4.695300 4.6953 53 ... 60 64 75 5700 6700 6700 6700 6700 6700 GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4
10 48 0 500.000000 628.821530 396.882611 1213.952883 693.000000 4.054097 0.0000 510 ... 850 880 1000 1000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr
10 50 0 500.000000 536.867885 474.096250 1396.353657 693.000000 4.509760 0.0000 500 ... 540 570 590 620 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 48 0 510.000000 605.234564 481.747613 1108.441272 693.000000 4.100467 0.0000 510 ... 680 740 920 950 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr
10 49 0 410.000000 502.021901 356.694920 1502.286019 564.122449 5.390409 0.0000 410 ... 470 490 620 1300 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
10 49 0 470.000000 500.867121 368.176257 818.903173 1269.367347 4.847808 0.0000 470 ... 570 600 660 750 820 820 820 820 820 power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr
10 48 0 480.000000 452.211805 299.544852 1015.821791 693.000000 5.530121 0.0000 480 ... 490 500 660 670 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 47 0 440.000000 707.536122 381.051111 3156.716407 753.148936 4.297676 0.0000 440 ... 490 520 2800 2900 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 aws-noaa-oisst-feedstock_reference
10 43 0 270.000000 290.079964 243.758127 701.968978 693.000000 8.779802 0.0000 270 ... 300 310 330 350 700 700 700 700 700 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr
10 49 0 860.000000 923.363868 831.860632 2541.271207 693.000000 2.731068 0.0000 860 ... 880 910 1000 1100 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 48 0 490.000000 574.316695 473.564420 1345.726702 693.000000 4.359196 0.0000 490 ... 510 670 930 1100 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 48 0 350.000000 366.257629 322.482096 550.962291 693.000000 6.893276 0.0000 350 ... 370 370 450 490 550 550 550 550 550 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr
10 48 0 540.000000 586.160854 498.679653 1225.129486 694.000000 4.438618 0.0000 540 ... 600 610 760 860 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas
10 47 0 220.000000 249.047163 202.675028 693.798396 693.000000 9.360834 0.0000 220 ... 250 270 300 360 690 690 690 690 690 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr
10 48 0 490.000000 513.034740 470.702308 1109.377753 693.000000 4.970260 0.0000 490 ... 500 510 540 610 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 50 0 3000.000000 3147.481403 2833.370031 6696.270661 693.000000 0.794920 0.0000 3000 ... 3100 3200 3300 4700 6700 6700 6700 6700 6700 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr

17 rows × 21 columns

Option 1: Diskcache with ephemeral Lambda storage

The python diskcache library can be used to cache the result of an xarray open dataset function call on disk. It uses sqlite and has been shown to be faster than fsspec’s filecache in local tests (see

Code: feat/diskcache


  • Diskcache includes a memoize decorator that makes it simple to implement
  • Seems relatively stable (e.g. no errors in load tests)
  • We can set a storage limit so we should not exceed the ephemeral storage capacity.


  • While diskcache was faster fsspec in local testing, when deployed using AWS Elastic File System (EFS), the application failed after a few requests (disk IO error. This was not surprising because SQLite is not recommended for use with Network File System (NFS) mounts.
  • You can use diskcache with Lambda’s ephemeral storage, but anything stored will be lost whenever the execution environmentrestarts. This still may be a desirable option.

Option 1 Performance tests

# read_results('feature')['feature']['Aggregated feature'].drop(columns=['Type', 'Name', 'file'])

Option 2: Fsspec’s filecache with EFS

Fsspec offers a filecache option.

Pros: * Data is persisted across lambda container restarts. * Not sure we need this yet, but servers can share EFS mounts.

Cons/Caveats: * EFS can be expensive * Code is complicated * You must use a VPC: “EFS file systems are always created within a customer VPC, so Lambda functions using the EFS file system must all reside in the same VPC.” from * Throughput configuration is complicated and ensuring we don’t surpass our throughput rate may be challenging. When EFS is configured with the “bursting” throughput option, the throughput “base” rate is determined by data stored in EFS and accrues “burst credits” whenever the throughput is lower than the base rate. The first time performance tests were run for fake datasets, there was a small but noticeable error rate (see The AWS EFS documentation states:

Burst credits accrue when the file system consumes below its base throughput rate, and are deducted when throughput exceeds the base rate.

I think when tests were first executed, perhaps we reached the throughput limit but then they accrued while the system was not being used and when tests were run the following day there were 0 errors.

  • There is less success when evaluating performance against “real world” datasets.
    • The NetCDF and power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr had worse (in the case of NetCDF, much worse and worse than with no cache) performance. The reason why requires more investigation.
    • The unconsolidated data store from prod-giovanni-cache (which also has chunked coordinate data) times out. The diskcache option worked much better for this case, but only this case.

Additional Costs

From metrics during tests, the maximum read was 1 million bytes, or 1MB. If there are 185 req / second and each request reads 1mb of data, we need a throughput of 185mb/s. The base rate for bursting througput is 50kb/s for writes and 150kb/s for reads for every 1GB of data (see

So we need storage for througput of 185000kb/s which is 1.2TB?!

cost_per_gb_month_storage = 0.30
required_storage_for_throughput = 1233 # 1.2TB required to have a throughput of 185 mb/s
print(f"Upper bound for estimated storage costs: ${required_storage_for_throughput * cost_per_gb_month_storage}")
Upper bound for estimated storage costs: $369.9
per_gb_read_cost = 0.03
max_read_size_gb = 0.001 # taken from maximum value of DataReadIOBytes metric from running tests
# Assuming the same peak requests as GIBS, which is truly an upper threshold, this would be $14,400 😱a month
cost_per_month_for_reads = max_daily_gibs_req * max_read_size_gb * per_gb_read_cost * 30
print(f"Estimated cost for data transfer ${cost_per_month_for_reads}")
Estimated cost for data transfer $14400.0

Option 2 Performance tests

read_results('feature2')['feature2']['Aggregated feature2'].drop(columns=['Type', 'Name', 'file'])
Request Count Failure Count Median Response Time Average Response Time Min Response Time Max Response Time Average Content Size Requests/s Failures/s 50% ... 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.9% 99.99% 100% dataset
10 48 0 280.0 395.685591 253.769724 1868.435398 693.000000 6.805451 0.0 280 ... 290 290 310 1700 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 49 0 790.0 1276.058463 735.600991 7829.914880 505.489796 2.178323 0.0 790 ... 870 880 960 6200 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4
10 47 0 380.0 501.937470 134.356084 1686.041705 693.000000 6.041468 0.0 380 ... 520 530 1500 1600 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr
10 49 0 140.0 163.719092 124.108099 575.527993 693.000000 12.169779 0.0 140 ... 140 150 170 460 580 580 580 580 580 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 49 0 410.0 517.463312 126.392911 2733.153264 683.061224 5.392833 0.0 410 ... 500 570 1600 1600 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr
10 48 0 210.0 232.858913 184.725357 804.352674 560.895833 9.838989 0.0 210 ... 230 240 310 320 800 800 800 800 800
10 47 0 330.0 378.581222 220.706650 1479.084163 1290.127660 6.664998 0.0 330 ... 390 410 550 620 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr
10 36 0 140.0 268.911446 124.836974 1088.865918 693.000000 8.930055 0.0 150 ... 320 350 440 1000 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 46 0 300.0 454.779957 215.951635 2554.828333 754.413043 6.535851 0.0 300 ... 330 330 390 2200 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 aws-noaa-oisst-feedstock_reference
10 40 0 120.0 145.397714 113.584036 492.002583 693.000000 13.274772 0.0 120 ... 130 130 230 280 490 490 490 490 490 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr
10 46 0 200.0 265.304951 180.081490 1015.755097 693.000000 9.047933 0.0 200 ... 210 210 290 910 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 49 0 150.0 378.283140 122.307844 1578.330298 683.061224 6.997816 0.0 150 ... 450 470 1300 1400 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 49 0 140.0 263.579785 116.896388 5832.494223 693.000000 5.393365 0.0 140 ... 140 150 180 320 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr
10 49 0 200.0 234.491871 159.094610 755.066806 694.000000 9.780023 0.0 200 ... 220 220 450 540 760 760 760 760 760 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas
10 42 0 120.0 128.626964 109.272853 255.222493 693.000000 14.165349 0.0 120 ... 120 120 130 210 260 260 260 260 260 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr
10 49 0 140.0 163.106024 125.356832 551.177199 693.000000 12.487576 0.0 140 ... 150 160 160 440 550 550 550 550 550 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 49 0 420.0 632.604828 398.103091 3299.987020 693.000000 4.535112 0.0 420 ... 440 450 460 2900 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr

17 rows × 21 columns

Option 3: Elasticache

AWS Elasticache is a managed in-memory data store which we can use with Redis or memcached.

Pros: * Stable, relatively cheap

Cons: * Not as fast as fsspec filecache efs

Note: Performance did not seem significantly different when using a cache.m6g.xlarge instance: compare (xlarge instance) with (cache.t3.small instance)

Additional cost to baseline

cost_per_hour = 0.034 # cache.t3.small
hours_per_month = 24 * 30
print(f"cost per month for cache.t3.small: ${cost_per_hour * hours_per_month}")
cost per month for cache.t3.small: $24.48
read_results('feature3')['feature3']['Aggregated feature3'].drop(columns=['Type', 'Name', 'file'])
Request Count Failure Count Median Response Time Average Response Time Min Response Time Max Response Time Average Content Size Requests/s Failures/s 50% ... 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.9% 99.99% 100% dataset
10 49 0 1500.0 1482.102111 1446.060448 1701.976069 693.00000 1.718222 0.0 1500 ... 1500 1500 1600 1600 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 50 0 180.0 630.331648 152.363652 6419.123439 499.50000 4.942701 0.0 180 ... 190 190 220 5600 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4
10 49 0 420.0 432.473089 328.955163 719.129293 693.00000 5.583208 0.0 420 ... 440 460 540 590 720 720 720 720 720 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr
10 48 0 430.0 458.847994 416.973008 1013.352666 693.00000 6.003901 0.0 430 ... 440 450 540 590 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 49 0 430.0 453.521440 418.372858 757.733955 693.00000 5.447417 0.0 430 ... 440 470 520 610 760 760 760 760 760 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr
10 47 0 130.0 192.310381 123.789939 979.602566 558.06383 11.740863 0.0 130 ... 140 140 170 720 980 980 980 980 980
10 48 0 170.0 217.904095 143.813387 477.569934 1281.12500 9.960955 0.0 180 ... 240 310 360 410 480 480 480 480 480 power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr
10 47 0 300.0 336.982501 243.192312 441.587479 693.00000 7.800566 0.0 300 ... 420 420 430 430 440 440 440 440 440 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 45 0 250.0 460.284923 222.468733 2525.695090 754.60000 6.441500 0.0 250 ... 320 330 420 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 aws-noaa-oisst-feedstock_reference
10 43 0 190.0 201.859149 182.756027 387.341882 693.00000 10.737522 0.0 190 ... 200 200 230 240 390 390 390 390 390 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr
10 49 0 780.0 805.849507 777.187189 1184.107590 693.00000 3.167854 0.0 780 ... 790 800 900 920 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr
10 48 0 430.0 442.358223 416.175806 555.998044 693.00000 5.971648 0.0 430 ... 440 460 510 540 560 560 560 560 560 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr
10 48 0 270.0 500.940764 265.511467 6059.966350 693.00000 4.808359 0.0 270 ... 280 280 330 530 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr
10 48 0 360.0 384.546262 351.151335 611.575099 694.00000 6.843120 0.0 360 ... 390 400 450 500 610 610 610 610 610 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas
10 48 0 160.0 163.866330 145.595558 257.676171 693.00000 12.227905 0.0 160 ... 170 170 190 200 260 260 260 260 260 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr
10 48 0 420.0 431.186270 414.955985 537.070872 693.00000 6.204350 0.0 420 ... 430 430 470 480 540 540 540 540 540 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr
10 49 0 3000.0 2955.143618 2776.319436 3260.587183 693.00000 0.872144 0.0 3000 ... 3100 3100 3200 3200 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr

17 rows × 21 columns

Plot results together

dev_df = results['dev'][f'Aggregated dev']
feature2_df = results['feature2'][f'Aggregated feature2']
feature3_df = results['feature3'][f'Aggregated feature3']
feature3_df.columns = ['dataset' if col == 'dataset' else col + ' Feature3' for col in feature3_df.columns]

merged_df = pd.merge(dev_df, feature2_df,  on='dataset', suffixes=(' Dev', ' Feature2'))
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, feature3_df, on='dataset', how='outer')
Type Dev Name Dev Request Count Dev Failure Count Dev Median Response Time Dev Average Response Time Dev Min Response Time Dev Max Response Time Dev Average Content Size Dev Requests/s Dev ... 75% Feature3 80% Feature3 90% Feature3 95% Feature3 98% Feature3 99% Feature3 99.9% Feature3 99.99% Feature3 100% Feature3 file Feature3
0 NaN Aggregated 49 0 1500.633718 1596.383736 1500.633718 3272.885588 693.0 1.601609 ... 1500 1500 1600 1600 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 downloaded_feature3_results/single_chunk_store...
1 NaN Aggregated 38 38 53.000000 524.284276 42.417900 6673.102189 25.0 4.695300 ... 190 190 220 5600 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 downloaded_feature3_results/GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A...
2 NaN Aggregated 48 0 500.000000 628.821530 396.882611 1213.952883 693.0 4.054097 ... 440 460 540 590 720 720 720 720 720 downloaded_feature3_results/with_chunks_store_...
3 NaN Aggregated 50 0 500.000000 536.867885 474.096250 1396.353657 693.0 4.509760 ... 440 450 540 590 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 downloaded_feature3_results/single_chunk_store...
4 NaN Aggregated 48 0 510.000000 605.234564 481.747613 1108.441272 693.0 4.100467 ... 440 470 520 610 760 760 760 760 760 downloaded_feature3_results/with_chunks_store_...

5 rows × 70 columns

dataset_specs_external = dataframe.csv_to_pandas('zarr_info.csv')
dataset_specs_fake = dataframe.csv_to_pandas('')

dataset_specs_all = pd.concat([dataset_specs_external, dataset_specs_fake])
dataset_specs_all.loc[dataset_specs_all['collection_name'] == 'GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4', 'chunk_size_mb'] = 3.29
dataset_specs_all.loc[dataset_specs_all['collection_name'] == '', 'chunk_size_mb'] = 3.29
merged_df['Failure Rate Dev'] = merged_df['Failure Count Dev']/merged_df['Request Count Dev'] * 100
merged_df['Failure Rate Feature2'] = merged_df['Failure Count Feature2']/merged_df['Request Count Feature2'] * 100
merged_df['Failure Rate Feature3'] = merged_df['Failure Count Feature3']/merged_df['Request Count Feature3'] * 100

summary_df = merged_df[
        'Average Response Time Dev', 'Failure Rate Dev',
        'Average Response Time Feature2', 'Failure Rate Feature2',
        'Average Response Time Feature3', 'Failure Rate Feature3',        
].sort_values('Average Response Time Dev')
merged_specs = summary_df.merge(dataset_specs_all, left_on='dataset', right_on='collection_name')
Average Response Time Dev Failure Rate Dev Average Response Time Feature2 Failure Rate Feature2 Average Response Time Feature3 Failure Rate Feature3 dataset collection_name source chunks shape_dict dtype chunk_size_mb compression number_of_spatial_chunks number_coordinate_chunks
0 249.047163 0.0 128.626964 0.0 163.866330 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 512} {'y': 512, 'x': 1024} float64 4.000000 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 1.024000e+03 2.0
1 290.079964 0.0 145.397714 0.0 201.859149 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 724} {'y': 724, 'x': 1448} float64 7.998291 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 1.448000e+03 2.0
2 366.257629 0.0 263.579785 0.0 500.940764 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1024} {'y': 1024, 'x': 2048} float64 16.000000 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 2.048000e+03 2.0
3 452.211805 0.0 268.911446 0.0 336.982501 0.0 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 2048, 'x': 4096} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 5.793238e+03 2.0
4 500.867121 0.0 378.581222 0.0 217.904095 0.0 power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr s3://power-analysis-ready-datastore/power_901_... {'y': 504, 'x': 25} {'y': 361, 'x': 576} float64 2.403259 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 1.650286e+01 2.0
5 502.021901 0.0 232.858913 0.0 192.310381 0.0 https://nex-gddp-cmip6.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.... {'y': 'N', 'x': '/'} {'y': 600, 'x': 1440} float32 3.290000 NaN NaN 0.0
6 513.034740 0.0 163.106024 0.0 431.186270 0.0 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 1448, 'x': 2896} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 2.896000e+03 2.0
7 524.284276 100.0 1276.058463 0.0 630.331648 0.0 GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4 GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4 s3://gesdisc-cumulus-prod-protected/GLDAS/GLDA... NaN NaN NaN 3.290000 NaN NaN NaN
8 536.867885 0.0 163.719092 0.0 458.847994 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 1448, 'x': 2896} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 2.896000e+03 2.0
9 574.316695 0.0 378.283140 0.0 442.358223 0.0 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 2896, 'x': 5792} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 1.158400e+04 2.0
10 586.160854 0.0 234.491871 0.0 384.546262 0.0 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas s3://cmip6-pds/CMIP6/CMIP/NASA-GISS/GISS-E2-1-... {'y': 600, 'x': 90} {'y': 90, 'x': 144} float32 29.663086 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 2.400000e-01 1.0
11 605.234564 0.0 517.463312 0.0 453.521440 0.0 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 5793, 'x': 11586} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 4.635200e+04 2.0
12 628.821530 0.0 501.937470 0.0 432.473089 0.0 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 1448} {'y': 4096, 'x': 8192} float64 31.993164 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 2.317295e+04 2.0
13 707.536122 0.0 454.779957 0.0 460.284923 0.0 aws-noaa-oisst-feedstock_reference aws-noaa-oisst-feedstock_reference {'y': 1, 'x': 1} {'y': 720, 'x': 1440} int16 1.977539 Zlib(level=4) 1.036800e+06 1.0
14 923.363868 0.0 265.304951 0.0 805.849507 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 2048} {'y': 2048, 'x': 4096} float64 64.000000 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 4.096000e+03 2.0
15 1596.383736 0.0 395.685591 0.0 1482.102111 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 2896} {'y': 2896, 'x': 5792} float64 127.972656 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 5.792000e+03 2.0
16 3147.481403 0.0 632.604828 0.0 2955.143618 0.0 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/test-data/fake-data/... {'y': 1, 'x': 4096} {'y': 4096, 'x': 8192} float64 256.000000 Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, ... 8.192000e+03 2.0
ylim = (0, 1000)
xlim = (0, 35)

dev_line = merged_specs.sort_values('chunk_size_mb').hvplot.scatter(
    x='chunk_size_mb', y='Average Response Time Dev', label='Dev', color='cyan',
    xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim

feature2_line = merged_specs.sort_values('chunk_size_mb').hvplot.scatter(
    x='chunk_size_mb', y='Average Response Time Feature2', label='Feature2', color='orange', alpha=0.4,
    xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim

feature3_line = merged_specs.sort_values('chunk_size_mb').hvplot.scatter(
    x='chunk_size_mb', y='Average Response Time Feature3', label='Feature3', color='green', alpha=0.4,
    xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim

# Combine the two line plots
combined_plot = dev_line  * feature2_line * feature3_line

# Create box plots for each column and combine
cols = ['Average Response Time Dev', 'Average Response Time Feature2', 'Average Response Time Feature3']

df_melted = merged_df.melt(value_vars=cols)

# Create the box plot using the transformed data
plot ='variable', y='value', rot=45, ylim=(0,1500))


Appendix: Getting chunk size from NetCDF datasets

import h5py
import numpy as np
import requests

remote_url = ""
local_filepath = remote_url.split('/')[-1]
response = requests.get(remote_url, stream=True)

with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as f:
    for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): 

f = h5py.File(local_filepath, 'r')['pr'].chunks) * f['pr'].dtype.itemsize / 1024 / 1024
!aws s3 ls s3://podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied
import s3fs 
import xarray as xr
import json
# Requires credentials
# read external datasets
with open('../01-generate-datasets/external-datasets.json') as f:
    external_datasets = json.loads(

filter_protected = list(filter(lambda x: x.get('extra_args', {}).get('protected', None) == True, external_datasets.values()))
s3_fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem()

for dataset in filter_protected:
    s3url = dataset['dataset_url']
    variable = dataset['variable']
    ds = xr.open_dataset(, engine='h5netcdf')
    chunks = ds[variable].encoding['chunksizes']
    chunksize = * ds[variable].dtype.itemsize / 1024 / 1024
    print(f"Chunk size for {s3url} variable {variable} is {chunksize}")
[{'dataset_url': 's3://podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1/',
  'variable': 'analysed_sst',
  'extra_args': {'protected': True}},
 {'dataset_url': 's3://gesdisc-cumulus-prod-protected/GLDAS/GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.2.1/2023/212/GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20230731.2100.021.nc4',
  'variable': 'SoilMoi0_10cm_inst',
  'extra_args': {'protected': True}},
 {'dataset_url': 's3://gesdisc-cumulus-prod-protected/GPM_L3/GPM_3IMERGDF.07/2000/06/3B-DAY.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.V07.nc4',
  'variable': 'precipitation',
  'extra_args': {'protected': True}},
 {'dataset_url': 's3://gesdisc-cumulus-prod-protected/TRMM_L3/TRMM_3B42_Daily.7/1998/01/3B42_Daily.19980101.7.nc4',
  'variable': 'precipitation',
  'extra_args': {'protected': True}}]