Development - Contributing¶
Issues and pull requests are more than welcome:
dev install
git clone
cd titiler
python -m pip install \
pre-commit \
-e src/titiler/core["test"] \
-e src/titiler/extensions["test,cogeo,stac"] \
-e src/titiler/mosaic["test"] \
-e src/titiler/application["test"]
This repo is set to use pre-commit
to run isort, flake8, pydocstring, black ("uncompromising Python code formatter") and mypy when committing new code.
pre-commit install
Run tests¶
Each titiler
's modules has its own test suite which can be ran independently
# titiler.core
python -m pytest src/titiler/core --cov=titiler.core --cov-report=xml --cov-append --cov-report=term-missing
# titiler.extensions
python -m pytest src/titiler/extensions --cov=titiler.extensions --cov-report=xml --cov-append --cov-report=term-missing
# titiler.mosaic
python -m pytest src/titiler/mosaic --cov=titiler.mosaic --cov-report=xml --cov-append --cov-report=term-missing
# titiler.application
python -m pytest src/titiler/application --cov=titiler.application --cov-report=xml --cov-append --cov-report=term-missing
git clone
cd titiler
python -m pip install -r requirements/requirements-docs.txt
Hot-reloading docs:
mkdocs serve -f docs/mkdocs.yml
To manually deploy docs (note you should never need to do this because Github Actions deploys automatically for new commits.):
mkdocs gh-deploy -f docs/mkdocs.yml