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v0.6 -> v1.0

geojson-pydantic version 1.0 introduced many breaking changes. This document aims to help with migrating your code to use geojson-pydantic 1.0.

Pydantic 2.0

The biggest update introduced in 1.0 is the new pydantic major version requirement ~2.0.

In addition to being faster, this new major version has plenty of new API which we used in geojson-pydantic (like the new model_serializer method).

from geojson_pydantic import Point

# Before
Point.dict()  # serialize to dict object
Point.json()  # serialize to json string

with open("point.geojson") as f:
    Point.parse_file(f)  # parse file content to model

p = {}
Point.parse_obj(obj)  # parse dict object

# Now (geojson-pydantic ~= 1.0)


with open("point.geojson") as f:

p = {}

ref: developmentseed/geojson-pydantic!130

FeatureCollection Generic model

In 1.0 we updated the generic FeatureCollection model to depends only on a generic Feature model.

# Before
FeatureCollection[Geometry, Properties]

# Now (geojson-pydantic ~= 1.0)
FeatureCollection[Feature[Geometry, Properties]]


from pydantic import BaseModel
from geojson_pydantic import Feature, FeatureCollection, Polygon

class CustomProperties(BaseModel):
    id: str
    description: str
    size: int

# Create a new FeatureCollection Model which should only
# Accept Features with Polygon geometry type and matching the properties
MyFc = FeatureCollection[Feature[Polygon, CustomProperties]]

ref: developmentseed/geojson-pydantic#134

Exclude bbox and id if null

Using the new pydantic model_serializer method, we are now able to customize JSON output for the models to better match the GeoJSON spec

# Before
Point(type="Point", coordinates=[0, 0]).json()
>> '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.0,0.0],"bbox":null}'

# Now (geojson-pydantic ~= 1.0)
Point(type="Point", coordinates=[0, 0]).model_dump_json()
>> '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.0,0.0]}'

ref: developmentseed/geojson-pydantic#125

Change in WKT output for Multi* geometries

from geojson_pydantic import MultiPoint

geom = MultiPoint(type='MultiPoint', coordinates=[(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)])

# Before
>> MULTIPOINT Z (1 2 3)

# Now (geojson-pydantic ~= 1.0)
>> MULTIPOINT Z ((1 2 3))

ref: developmentseed/geojson-pydantic#139