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COGReader / STACReader

The MosaicJSON backend classes have .tile and .point methods to access the data for a specific mercator tile or point.

Because a MosaicJSON can host different assets type, a reader option is available. Set by default to, or to for the STACBackend, the reader should know how to read the assets to either create mosaic tile or read points value.

from cogeo_mosaic.mosaic import MosaicJSON
from cogeo_mosaic.backends import MosaicBackend
from rio_tiler.models import ImageData

dataset = ["1.tif", "2.tif"]
mosaic_definition = MosaicJSON.from_urls(dataset)

# Create a mosaic object in memory
with MosaicBackend(None, mosaid_def=mosaic_definition, reader=COGReader) as mosaic:
    img, assets_used = mosaic.tile(1, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(img, ImageData)

# By default the STACbackend will store the Item url as assets, but STACReader (default reader) will know how to read them.
with MosaicBackend(
  query={"collections": ["satellite"]},  # required
  minzoom=7,  # required
  maxzoom=12,  # required
) as mosaic:
    img, assets_used = mosaic.tile(1, 1, 1, assets="red")

Let's use a custom accessor to save some specific assets url in the mosaic

# accessor to return the url for the `visual` asset (COG)
def accessor(item):
    return feature["assets"]["visual"]["href"]

# The accessor will set the mosaic assets as a list of COG url so we can use the COGReader instead of the STACReader
with MosaicBackend(
  query={"collections": ["satellite"]},  # required
  minzoom=7,  # required
  maxzoom=12,  # required
  mosaic_options={"accessor": accessor},
) as mosaic:
    img, assets_used = mosaic.tile(1, 1, 1)