High-Performance Machine Learning: Combining Cloud & GPU Native


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We need to build more efficient tools faster than ever before.

Figure 2: xbatcher - slicing n-dimensional arrays using named variables. Illustration and code sample. Source: Wei Ji Leong, FOSS4G 2023 Oceania

Figure 3: zen3geo's chainable I/O readers and processors for geospatial data. Source: Wei Ji Leong, FOSS4G 2023 Oceania

Figure 4: The zen3geo DataPipe. Starting with a url to an ERA5 Zarr store, custom pre-processing function, sliced into subsets using xbatcher, converted from CuPy arrays into Torch tensors, and finally passed into a DataLoader. Source: Wei Ji Leong, FOSS4G 2023 Oceania

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