Tiler with custom Colormap dependency
Goal: Add a custom colormap dependency to allow user pass linear colormap
# https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=sequential&scheme=BuGn&n=3
cmap = urlencode(
"colormap": json.dumps(
"0": "#e5f5f9",
"10": "#99d8c9",
"255": "#2ca25f",
response = requests.get(
requirements: titiler.core matplotlib
1 - Create a custom ColorMapParams
import json
from typing import Dict, Optional, Literal
from typing_extensions import Annotated
import numpy
import matplotlib
from rio_tiler.colormap import parse_color
from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap as default_cmap
from fastapi import HTTPException, Query
def ColorMapParams(
colormap_name: Annotated[ # type: ignore
Query(description="Colormap name"),
] = None,
colormap: Annotated[
Query(description="JSON encoded custom Colormap"),
] = None,
colormap_type: Annotated[
Literal["explicit", "linear"],
Query(description="User input colormap type."),
] = "explicit",
) -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Colormap Dependency."""
if colormap_name:
return default_cmap.get(colormap_name)
if colormap:
cm = json.loads(
object_hook=lambda x: {int(k): parse_color(v) for k, v in x.items()},
except json.JSONDecodeError:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=400, detail="Could not parse the colormap value."
if colormap_type == "linear":
# input colormap has to start from 0 to 255 ?
cm = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
(k / 255, matplotlib.colors.to_hex([v / 255 for v in rgba]))
for (k, rgba) in cm.items()
x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 256)
cmap_vals = cm(x)[:, :]
cmap_uint8 = (cmap_vals * 255).astype('uint8')
cm = {idx: value.tolist() for idx, value in enumerate(cmap_uint8)}
return cm
return None
2 - Create app and register our custom endpoints
from titiler.core.errors import DEFAULT_STATUS_CODES, add_exception_handlers
from titiler.core.factory import TilerFactory
from fastapi import FastAPI
from .dependencies import ColorMapParams
app = FastAPI(title="My simple app with custom TMS")
cog = TilerFactory(colormap_dependency=ColorMapParams)
app.include_router(cog.router, tags=["Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF"])
add_exception_handlers(app, DEFAULT_STATUS_CODES)