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Performance Tuning


Titiler makes use of several great underlying libraries, including GDAL and Python bindings to GDAL. An effective deployment of titiler generally requires tweaking GDAL configuration settings. This document provides an overview of relevant settings. Full documentation from GDAL is available here.

GDAL Configuration

Setting a config variable

GDAL configuration is modified using environment variables. Thus in order to change a setting you'll need to set environment variables through your deployment mechanism. For example, in order to test locally you'd set an environment variable in bash:


Available configuration settings


When set to YES, this tells GDAL to merge adjacent range requests. Instead of making two requests for byte ranges 1-5 and 6-10, it would make a single request for 1-10. This should always be set to YES.


This is a very important setting to control the number of requests GDAL makes.

This setting has two options: FALSE and EMPTY_DIR. FALSE (the default) causes GDAL to try to establish a list of all the available files in the directory. EMPTY_DIR tells GDAL to imagine that the directory is empty except for the requested file.

When reading datasets with necessary external sidecar files, it's imperative to set FALSE. For example, the landsat-pds bucket on AWS S3 contains GeoTIFF images where overviews are in external .ovr files. If set to EMPTY_DIR, GDAL won't find the .ovr files.

However, in all other cases, it's much better to set EMPTY_DIR because this prevents GDAL from making a LIST request.

This setting also has cost implications for reading data from requester-pays buckets. When set to FALSE, GDAL makes a LIST request every time it opens a file. Since LIST requests are much more expensive than GET requests, this can bring unexpected costs.


A list of file extensions that GDAL is allowed to open. For example if set to .tif, then GDAL would only open files with a .tif extension. For example, it would fail on JPEG2000 files with a .jp2 extension, but also wouldn't open GeoTIFFs exposed through an API endpoint that don't have a .tif suffix.

Note that you also need to include extensions of external overview files. For example, the landsat-pds bucket on AWS S3 has external overviews in .ovr files, so if you wished to read this data, you'd want


Gives the number of initial bytes GDAL should read when opening a file and inspecting its metadata.

Titiler works best with Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) because they have a tiled internal structure that supports efficient random reads. These files have an initial metadata section that describes the location (byte range) within the file of each internal tile. The more internal tiles the COG has, the more data the header needs to contain.

GDAL needs to read the entire header before it can read any other portion of the file. By default GDAL reads the first 16KB of the file, then if that doesn't contain the entire metadata, it makes one more request for the rest of the metadata.

In environments where latency is relatively high (at least compared to bandwidth), such as AWS S3, it may be beneficial to increase this value depending on the data you expect to read.

There isn't currently a way to get the number of header bytes using GDAL, but alternative GeoTIFF readers such as aiocogeo can. Using its cli you can find the image's header size:

export AWS_REQUEST_PAYER="requester"
aiocogeo info s3://usgs-landsat/collection02/level-2/standard/oli-tirs/2020/072/076/LC08_L2SR_072076_20201203_20210313_02_T2/LC08_L2SR_072076_20201203_20210313_02_T2_SR_B1.TIF

            Header size:      32770

It's wise to inspect the header sizes of your data sources, and set GDAL_INGESTED_BYTES_AT_OPEN appropriately. Beware, however, that the given number of bytes will be read for every image, so you don't want to make the value too large.


Default GDAL block cache. The value can be either in Mb, bytes or percent of the physical RAM

Recommended: 200 (200Mb)


A global least-recently-used cache shared among all downloaded content and may be reused after a file handle has been closed and reopen

Recommended: 200000000 (200Mb)


Setting this to TRUE enables GDAL to use an internal caching mechanism. It's

Recommended (Strongly): TRUE.


The size of the above VSI cache in bytes per-file handle. If you open a VRT with 10 files and your VSI_CACHE_SIZE is 10 bytes, the total cache memory usage would be 100 bytes. The cache is RAM based and the content of the cache is discarded when the file handle is closed.

Recommended: 5000000 (5Mb per file handle)


GDAL Block Cache type: ARRAY or HASHSET. See


Introduced with GDAL 3 and PROJ>7, the PROJ library can fetch more precise transformation grids hosted on the cloud.

Values: ON/OFF



When set to YES, this attempts to download multiple range requests in parallel, reusing the same TCP connection. Note this is only possible when the server supports HTTP2, which many servers don't yet support. There's no downside to setting YES here.


The GDAL_DATA variable tells rasterio/GDAL where the GDAL C libraries have been installed. When using rasterio wheels, GDAL_DATA must be unset.


The PROJ_LIB variable tells rasterio/GDAL where the PROJ C libraries have been installed. When using rasterio wheels, PROJ_LIB must be unset.

AWS Configuration



In addition to GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN, we set the allowed extensions to .tif to only enable tif files. (OPTIONAL)


200 Mb Cache.


200 Mb VSI Cache.



Maybe the most important variable. Setting it to EMPTY_DIR reduce the number of GET/LIST requests.


Tells GDAL to merge consecutive range GET requests.


Both Multiplex and HTTP_VERSION will only have impact if the files are stored in an environment which support HTTP 2 (e.g cloudfront).

  • VSI_CACHE_SIZE="5000000"

5Mb cache per file handle.