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OGC Web Map Tile Service

OGC WMTS endpoints

Method URL Output Description
GET /wmts XML or image/bin or GeoJSON OGC Web map tile service (KVP encoding)
GET /layers/{LAYER}/{STYLE}/{TIME}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.{FORMAT} image/bin OGC GetTile (REST encoding)

WMTS (GetCapabilities / GetTile / GetFeatureInfo) - KVP Encoding


  • QueryParams:

    • GetCapabilities:

      • Request ([GetCapabilities, GetTile, GetFeatureInfo]): Operation name
      • Service ([wmts]): Service type identifier
      • Version ([1.0.0], optional): Standard and schema version
    • GetTile:

      • Layer (str): Layer identifier
      • Format (str): Output image format
      • Style (str): Style identifier
      • TileMatrixSet (str): TileMatrixSet identifier
      • TileMatrix (int): TileMatrix identifier
      • TileRow (int): Row index of tile matrix
      • TileCol (int): Column index of tile matrix
      • Time (str, Optional): TIME Dimension
    • GetFeatureInfo:

      • I (int): Column index of a pixel in the tile
      • J (int): Row index of a pixel in the tile
      • InfoFormat ([application/geo+json]): Output format of the retrieved information


  • https://myendpoint/wmts?Request=GetCapabilities&Services=wmts&Version=1.0.0
  • https://myendpoint/wmts?Request=GetTiles&Services=wmts&Version=1.0.0&Style=default&Layer=MyLayer&TileMatrixSet=WebMercatorQuad&TileMatrix=0&TileRow=0&TileCol=0&Time=2023-01-01&Format=image/png
  • https://myendpoint/wmts?Request=GetTiles&Services=wmts&Version=1.0.0&Style=default&Layer=MyLayer&TileMatrixSet=WebMercatorQuad&TileMatrix=0&TileRow=0&TileCol=0&Time=2023-01-01&Format=image/png&I=100&J=100&InfoFormat="application/geo+json

GetTile - REST


  • PathParams:
    • Layer (str): Layer identifier
    • Style (str): Style identifier
    • Time (str): TIME Dimension
    • TileMatrixSet (str): TileMatrixSet identifier
    • TileMatrix (int): TileMatrix identifier
    • TileRow (int): Row index of tile matrix
    • TileCol (int): Column index of tile matrix
    • Format (str): Output image format
