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STAC Collections

STAC Collections endpoints

Method URL Output Description
GET /collections/{collection_id}/tiles/{TileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@{scale}x][.{format}] image/bin Create a web map tile image for a collection and a tile index
GET /collections/{collection_id}/{TileMatrixSetId}/tilejson.json JSON (TileJSON) Return a Mapbox TileJSON document
GET /collections/{collection_id}/{TileMatrixSetId}/WMTSCapabilities.xml XML return OGC WMTS Get Capabilities
GET /collections/{collection_id}/{TileMatrixSetId}/map HTML simple map viewer



  • PathParams:

    • collection_id: STAC Collection Identifier.
    • TileMatrixSetId: TileMatrixSet name (e.g WebMercatorQuad).
    • z: Tile's zoom level.
    • x: Tile's column.
    • y: Tile's row.
    • scale: Tile size scale, default is set to 1 (256x256). OPTIONAL
    • format: Output image format, default is set to None and will be either JPEG or PNG depending on masked value. OPTIONAL
  • QueryParams:

    • assets (array[str]): asset names.
    • expression (str): rio-tiler's math expression with asset names (e.g Asset1_b1/Asset2_b1).
    • asset_as_band (bool): tell rio-tiler that each asset is a 1 band dataset, so expression Asset1/Asset2 can be passed.
    • asset_bidx (array[str]): Per asset band index (e.g Asset1|1;2;3).
    • nodata: Overwrite internal Nodata value. OPTIONAL
    • unscale (bool): Apply dataset internal Scale/Offset.
    • resampling (str): RasterIO resampling algorithm. Defaults to nearest.
    • reproject (str): WarpKernel resampling algorithm (only used when doing re-projection). Defaults to nearest.
    • algorithm (str): Custom algorithm name (e.g hillshade).
    • algorithm_params (str): JSON encoded algorithm parameters.
    • rescale (array[str]): Comma (',') delimited Min,Max range (e.g rescale=0,1000, rescale=0,1000&rescale=0,3000&rescale=0,2000).
    • color_formula (str): rio-color formula.
    • colormap (str): JSON encoded custom Colormap.
    • colormap_name (str): rio-tiler color map name.
    • return_mask (bool): Add mask to the output data. Default is True.
    • buffer (float): Buffer on each side of the given tile. It must be a multiple of 0.5. Output tilesize will be expanded to tilesize + 2 * buffer (e.g 0.5 = 257x257, 1.0 = 258x258).
    • padding (int): Padding to apply to each tile edge. Helps reduce resampling artefacts along edges. Defaults to 0
    • pixel_selection (str): Pixel selection method (
  • STAC API Search QueryParams:

    • ids (str): Comma (',') delimited list of IDS.
    • bbox (str): Comma (',') delimited BoundingBox (not used in the search query, but usefull to limit the bbox of the mosaic).
    • datetime (str): Datetime filter for the Search Query following RFC 3339 format (
    • limit (int): The maximum number of results to return (page size). Defaults to 10.
    • max_items (int): The maximum number of items to used in a mosaic. Defaults to 100.


assets OR expression is required


  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/tiles/WebMercatorQuad/1/2/3?assets=B01
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/tiles/WebMercatorQuad/1/2/3.jpg?assets=B01
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/tiles/WorldCRS84Quad/1/2/[email protected]?assets=B01&assets=B02&assets=B03
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/tiles/WorldCRS84Quad/1/2/3?assets=B01&rescale=0,1000&colormap_name=cfastie



  • PathParams:

    • collection_id: STAC Collection Identifier.
    • TileMatrixSetId: TileMatrixSet name (e.g WebMercatorQuad).
  • QueryParams:

    • tile_format: Output image format, default is set to None and will be either JPEG or PNG depending on masked value.
    • tile_scale: Tile size scale, default is set to 1 (256x256). OPTIONAL
    • minzoom: Overwrite default minzoom. OPTIONAL
    • maxzoom: Overwrite default maxzoom. OPTIONAL
    • expression (str): rio-tiler's math expression with asset names (e.g Asset1_b1/Asset2_b1).
    • asset_as_band (bool): tell rio-tiler that each asset is a 1 band dataset, so expression Asset1/Asset2 can be passed.
    • asset_bidx (array[str]): Per asset band index (e.g Asset1|1;2;3).
    • nodata (str, int, float): Overwrite internal Nodata value.
    • unscale (bool): Apply dataset internal Scale/Offset.
    • resampling (str): RasterIO resampling algorithm. Defaults to nearest.
    • reproject (str): WarpKernel resampling algorithm (only used when doing re-projection). Defaults to nearest.
    • algorithm (str): Custom algorithm name (e.g hillshade).
    • algorithm_params (str): JSON encoded algorithm parameters.
    • rescale (array[str]): Comma (',') delimited Min,Max range (e.g rescale=0,1000, rescale=0,1000&rescale=0,3000&rescale=0,2000).
    • color_formula (str): rio-color formula.
    • colormap (str): JSON encoded custom Colormap.
    • colormap_name (str): rio-tiler color map name.
    • return_mask (bool): Add mask to the output data. Default is True.
    • buffer (float): Buffer on each side of the given tile. It must be a multiple of 0.5. Output tilesize will be expanded to tilesize + 2 * buffer (e.g 0.5 = 257x257, 1.0 = 258x258).
    • padding (int): Padding to apply to each tile edge. Helps reduce resampling artefacts along edges. Defaults to 0
    • pixel_selection (str): Pixel selection method (
  • STAC API Search QueryParams:

    • ids (str): Comma (',') delimited list of IDS.
    • bbox (str): Comma (',') delimited BoundingBox (not used in the search query, but usefull to limit the bbox of the mosaic).
    • datetime (str): Datetime filter for the Search Query following RFC 3339 format (
    • limit (int): The maximum number of results to return (page size). Defaults to 10.
    • max_items (int): The maximum number of items to used in a mosaic. Defaults to 100.


assets OR expression is required


  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WebMercatorQuad/tilejson.json?assets=B01
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WebMercatorQuad/tilejson.json?assets=B01&tile_format=png
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WorldCRS84Quad/tilejson.json?assets=B01&tile_scale=2



  • PathParams:

    • collection_id: STAC Collection Identifier.
    • TileMatrixSetId: TileMatrixSet name (e.g WebMercatorQuad).
  • QueryParams:

    • tile_format: Output image format, default is set to PNG.
    • tile_scale: Tile size scale, default is set to 1 (256x256). OPTIONAL
    • minzoom: Overwrite default minzoom. OPTIONAL
    • maxzoom: Overwrite default maxzoom. OPTIONAL


additional query-parameters will be forwarded to the tile URL. If no defaults mosaic metadata, assets OR expression will be required


  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WebMercatorQuad/WMTSCapabilities.xml?assets=B01
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WebMercatorQuad/WMTSCapabilities.xml?assets=B01&tile_format=png
  • https://myendpoint/collections/my-collection/WorldCRS84Quad/WMTSCapabilities.xml?assets=B01&tile_scale=2