A modern dynamic tile server built on top of FastAPI and Rasterio/GDAL.
Documentation: devseed.com/titiler/
Source Code: developmentseed/titiler
, pronounced tee-tiler (ti is the diminutive version of the french petit which means small), is a set of python modules that focus on creating FastAPI application for dynamic tiling.
Note: This project is the descendant of cogeo-tiler
and cogeo-mosaic-tiler
- Built on top of FastAPI
- Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF support
- SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog support
- Multiple projections support (see TileMatrixSets) via
. - MultiDimensional dataset support via Xarray
- JPEG / JP2 / PNG / WEBP / GTIFF / NumpyTile output format support
- OGC WMTS support
- Automatic OpenAPI documentation (FastAPI builtin)
- Virtual mosaic support (via MosaicJSON)
- Example of AWS Lambda / ECS deployment (via CDK)
Starting with version 0.3.0
, the TiTiler
python module has been split into a set of python namespace packages: titiler.{package}
Package | Version | Description |
titiler.core | The Core package contains libraries to help create a dynamic tiler for COG and STAC |
titiler.xarray | The xarray package contains libraries to help create a dynamic tiler for Zarr/NetCDF datasets |
titiler.extensions | TiTiler's extensions package. Contains extensions for Tiler Factories. | |
titiler.mosaic | The mosaic package contains libraries to help create a dynamic tiler for MosaicJSON (adds cogeo-mosaic requirement) |
titiler.application | TiTiler's demo package. Contains a FastAPI application with full support of COG, STAC and MosaicJSON |
To install from PyPI and run:
# Make sure you have pip up to date
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install titiler.{package}
# e.g.,
# python -m pip install titiler.core
# python -m pip install titiler.xarray
# python -m pip install titiler.extensions
# python -m pip install titiler.mosaic
# python -m pip install titiler.application (also installs core, extensions and mosaic)
# Install uvicorn to run the FastAPI application locally
python -m pip install uvicorn
# Launch application locally
uvicorn titiler.application.main:app
To install from sources and run for development:
git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler.git
cd titiler
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -e src/titiler/core -e src/titiler/xarray -e src/titiler/extensions -e src/titiler/mosaic -e src/titiler/application
python -m pip install uvicorn
uvicorn titiler.application.main:app --reload
Ready to use/deploy images can be found on Github registry.
docker run \
--platform=linux/amd64 \
-p 8000:8000 \
--rm -it ghcr.io/developmentseed/titiler:latest \
uvicorn titiler.application.main:app --host --port 8000 --workers 1
- Built the docker locally
git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler.git cd titiler docker compose up --build titiler
Project structure¶
src/titiler/ - titiler modules.
├── application/ - Titiler's `Application` package
├── extensions/ - Titiler's `Extensions` package
├── xarray/ - Titiler's `Xarray` package
├── core/ - Titiler's `Core` package
└── mosaic/ - Titiler's `Mosaic` package
Contribution & Development¶
Created by Development Seed
See contributors for a listing of individual contributors.