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Troubleshooting Amazon S3

Region required

All requests to S3 must include the region. An error will occur on requests when you don't pass the correct region.

For example, trying to list the sentinel-cogs open bucket without passing a region will fail:

import obstore as obs
from import S3Store

store = S3Store("sentinel-cogs", skip_signature=True)


GenericError: Generic S3 error: Error performing list request:
Received redirect without LOCATION, this normally indicates an incorrectly
configured region

We can fix this by passing the correct region:

import obstore as obs
from import S3Store

store = S3Store("sentinel-cogs", skip_signature=True, region="us-west-2")

this prints:

[{'path': 'sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/1/C/CV/2018/10/S2B_1CCV_20181004_0_L2A/AOT.tif',
  'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 30, 20, 25, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
  'size': 50510,
  'e_tag': '"2e24c2ee324ea478f2f272dbd3f5ce69"',
  'version': None},

Inferring the bucket region

Note that it's possible to infer the S3 bucket region from an arbitrary HEAD request.

Here, we show an example of using requests to find the bucket region, but you can use any HTTP client:

import requests

def find_bucket_region(bucket_name: str) -> str:
    resp = requests.head(f"https://{bucket_name}")
    return resp.headers["x-amz-bucket-region"]

Applying this to our previous example, we can use this to find the region of the sentinel-cogs bucket:

# 'us-west-2'

Or we can pass this directly into the region:

bucket_name = "sentinel-cogs"
store = S3Store(
    bucket_name, skip_signature=True, region=find_bucket_region(bucket_name)

Finding the bucket region in this way works both for public and non-public buckets.

This HEAD request can also tell you if the bucket is public or not by checking the HTTP response code (accessible in requests via resp.status_code):

  • 200: public bucket.
  • 403: private bucket.