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Getting Started

There are two parts to obstore:

  1. Constructing a Store, a representation of a remote object store with configuration and credentials.
  2. Interacting with the Store to download, upload, move, and delete objects.

Constructing a store

You can use the top-level from_url function to construct a store from a top-level URL. Among others this supports s3://bucket/path, gs://bucket/path, az://account/container/path, and https://mydomain/path.

Alternatively, you can construct a store directly:

  • S3Store: Configure a connection to Amazon S3.
  • GCSStore: Configure a connection to Google Cloud Storage.
  • AzureStore: Configure a connection to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
  • HTTPStore: Configure a connection to a generic HTTP server
  • LocalStore: Local filesystem storage providing the same object store interface.
  • MemoryStore: A fully in-memory implementation of ObjectStore.

Each store concept has a variety of constructors, and a host of configuration options.

Note that each store is scoped to one bucket, so you'll have to create a separate store instance per bucket, even if they're in the same region.


For example, multiple ways to create an anonymous S3Store client (without any credentials, for use with fully public buckets):

from import S3Store, from_url

from_url("s3://bucket-name", region="us-east-1", skip_signature=True)
from_url("", skip_signature=True)
store = S3Store("bucket-name", region="us-east-1", skip_signature=True)

The process is similar for GCSStore and AzureStore.


Each store class above has its own store-specific configuration. Elements of the store configuration can be passed as keyword arguments or as a dictionary through the config named parameter.

  • S3Config: Configuration parameters for Amazon S3.
  • GCSConfig: Configuration parameters for Google Cloud Storage.
  • AzureConfig: Configuration parameters for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Additionally, each store accepts parameters for the underlying HTTP client (ClientConfig) and parameters for retrying requests that error (RetryConfig).

Interacting with a store

All operations for interacting with a store are exported as top-level functions (not methods on the store object):

  • copy: Copy an object from one path to another in the same object store.
  • delete: Delete the object at the specified location.
  • get: Return the bytes that are stored at the specified location.
  • head: Return the metadata for the specified location
  • list: List all the objects with the given prefix.
  • put: Save the provided buffer to the specified location.
  • rename: Move an object from one path to another in the same object store.

There are a few additional APIs useful for specific use cases:

File-like object support is also provided:

All operations have a comparable async method with the same name plus an _async suffix.


import obstore as obs

store =

obs.put(store, "file.txt", b"hello world!")
response = obs.get(store, "file.txt")
# {'path': 'file.txt',
#  'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 16, 19, 45, 102620, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
#  'size': 12,
#  'e_tag': '0',
#  'version': None}
assert response.bytes() == b"hello world!"

byte_range = obs.get_range(store, "file.txt", start=0, end=5)
assert byte_range == b"hello"

obs.copy(store, "file.txt", "other.txt")
assert obs.get(store, "other.txt").bytes() == b"hello world!"

All of these methods also have async counterparts, suffixed with _async.

import obstore as obs

store =

await obs.put_async(store, "file.txt", b"hello world!")
response = await obs.get_async(store, "file.txt")
# {'path': 'file.txt',
#  'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 16, 20, 36, 477418, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
#  'size': 12,
#  'e_tag': '0',
#  'version': None}
assert await response.bytes_async() == b"hello world!"

byte_range = await obs.get_range_async(store, "file.txt", start=0, end=5)
assert byte_range == b"hello"

await obs.copy_async(store, "file.txt", "other.txt")
resp = await obs.get_async(store, "other.txt")
assert await resp.bytes_async() == b"hello world!"