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Getting Started

There are two parts to obstore:

  1. Constructing a Store, a representation of a remote object store with configuration and credentials.
  2. Interacting with the Store to download, upload, move, and delete objects.

Constructing a store

Classes to construct a store are exported from the submodule:

  • S3Store: Configure a connection to Amazon S3.
  • GCSStore: Configure a connection to Google Cloud Storage.
  • AzureStore: Configure a connection to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
  • HTTPStore: Configure a connection to a generic HTTP server
  • LocalStore: Local filesystem storage providing the same object store interface.
  • MemoryStore: A fully in-memory implementation of ObjectStore.

Additionally, some middlewares exist:

  • PrefixStore: Store wrapper that applies a constant prefix to all paths handled by the store.

Each store concept has a variety of constructors, and a host of configuration options.


For example, creating an anonymous S3Store (without any credentials, for use with fully public buckets):

from import S3Store

store = S3Store("bucket-name", region="us-east-1", skip_signature=True)


Each store class above has its own store-specific configuration. Elements of the store configuration can be passed as keyword arguments or as a dictionary through the config named parameter.

  • S3Config: Configuration parameters for Amazon S3.
  • GCSConfig: Configuration parameters for Google Cloud Storage.
  • AzureConfig: Configuration parameters for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Additionally, each store accepts parameters for the underlying HTTP client (ClientConfig) and parameters for retrying requests that error (RetryConfig).

Interacting with a store

All operations for interacting with a store are exported as top-level functions (not methods on the store object):

  • copy: Copy an object from one path to another in the same object store.
  • delete: Delete the object at the specified location.
  • get: Return the bytes that are stored at the specified location.
  • head: Return the metadata for the specified location
  • list: List all the objects with the given prefix.
  • put: Save the provided buffer to the specified location.
  • rename: Move an object from one path to another in the same object store.

There are a few additional APIs useful for specific use cases:

File-like object support is also provided:

All operations have a comparable async method with the same name plus an _async suffix.


import obstore as obs

store =

obs.put(store, "file.txt", b"hello world!")
response = obs.get(store, "file.txt")
# {'path': 'file.txt',
#  'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 16, 19, 45, 102620, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
#  'size': 12,
#  'e_tag': '0',
#  'version': None}
assert response.bytes() == b"hello world!"

byte_range = obs.get_range(store, "file.txt", offset=0, length=5)
assert byte_range == b"hello"

obs.copy(store, "file.txt", "other.txt")
assert obs.get(store, "other.txt").bytes() == b"hello world!"

All of these methods also have async counterparts, suffixed with _async.

import obstore as obs

store =

await obs.put_async(store, "file.txt", b"hello world!")
response = await obs.get_async(store, "file.txt")
# {'path': 'file.txt',
#  'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 16, 20, 36, 477418, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
#  'size': 12,
#  'e_tag': '0',
#  'version': None}
assert await response.bytes_async() == b"hello world!"

byte_range = await obs.get_range_async(store, "file.txt", offset=0, length=5)
assert byte_range == b"hello"

await obs.copy_async(store, "file.txt", "other.txt")
resp = await obs.get_async(store, "other.txt")
assert await resp.bytes_async() == b"hello world!"