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PyArrow is the canonical Python implementation for the Apache Arrow project.

PyArrow also supports reading and writing various file formats, including Parquet, CSV, JSON, and Arrow IPC.

PyArrow integration is supported via its fsspec integration, since Obstore exposes an fsspec-compatible API.

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

from obstore.fsspec import FsspecStore

fs = FsspecStore("s3", skip_signature=True, region="us-west-2")

url = "s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2025-02-19.0/theme=addresses/type=address/part-00010-e084a2d7-fea9-41e5-a56f-e638a3307547-c000.zstd.parquet"
parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(url, filesystem=fs)
id: string
geometry: binary
bbox: struct<xmin: float, xmax: float, ymin: float, ymax: float> not null
  child 0, xmin: float
  child 1, xmax: float
  child 2, ymin: float
  child 3, ymax: float
country: string
postcode: string
street: string
number: string
unit: string
address_levels: list<element: struct<value: string>>
  child 0, element: struct<value: string>
      child 0, value: string
postal_city: string
version: int32 not null
sources: list<element: struct<property: string, dataset: string, record_id: string, update_time: string, confidence: double>>
  child 0, element: struct<property: string, dataset: string, record_id: string, update_time: string, confidence: double>
      child 0, property: string
      child 1, dataset: string
      child 2, record_id: string
      child 3, update_time: string
      child 4, confidence: double
-- schema metadata --
geo: '{"version":"1.1.0","primary_column":"geometry","columns":{"geometry' + 230
org.apache.spark.legacyINT96: ''
org.apache.spark.version: '3.4.1'
org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.metadata: '{"type":"struct","fields":[{"' + 1586
org.apache.spark.legacyDateTime: ''