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Wrappers around other ObjectStore instances to provide monitoring or other modifications.

Store wrapper that applies a constant prefix to all paths handled by the store.


import obstore as obs
from import MemoryStore, PrefixStore

store = MemoryStore()

data = b"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
path = "a/b/c/data.txt"

obs.put(store, path, data)

prefix_store = PrefixStore(store, "a/")
assert obs.get(prefix_store, "b/c/data.txt").bytes() == data

# The / after the passed-in prefix is inferred
prefix_store2 = PrefixStore(store, "a")
assert obs.get(prefix_store2, "b/c/data.txt").bytes() == data

# The prefix is removed from list results
assert obs.list(prefix_store).collect()[0]["path"] == "b/c/data.txt"

# More deeply nested prefix
prefix_store3 = PrefixStore(store, "a/b/c")
assert obs.get(prefix_store3, "data.txt").bytes() == data


__init__(store: ObjectStore, prefix: str) -> None

Create a new PrefixStore with the provided prefix.


  • store (ObjectStore) –

    The underlying store to wrap.

  • prefix (str) –

    If the prefix does not end with /, one will be added.