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Configure a connection to a generic HTTP server.


Accessing the number of stars for a repo:

import json

import obstore as obs
from import HTTPStore

store = HTTPStore.from_url("")
resp = obs.get(store, "repos/developmentseed/obstore")
data = json.loads(resp.bytes())

client_options property

client_options: ClientConfig | None

Get the store's client configuration.

retry_config property

retry_config: RetryConfig | None

Get the store's retry configuration.

url property

url: str

Get the base url of this store.


    url: str,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
) -> None

Construct a new HTTPStore from a URL.


  • url (str) –

    The base URL to use for the store.

Other Parameters:

  • client_options (ClientConfig | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.


  • None



copy(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Copy an object from one path to another in the same object store.

Refer to the documentation for copy.

copy_async async

copy_async(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Call copy asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for copy.


delete(paths: str | Sequence[str]) -> None

Delete the object at the specified location(s).

Refer to the documentation for delete.

delete_async async

delete_async(paths: str | Sequence[str]) -> None

Call delete asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for delete.

from_url classmethod

    url: str,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
) -> Self

Construct a new HTTPStore from a URL.

This is an alias of HTTPStore.__init__.


get(path: str, *, options: GetOptions | None = None) -> GetResult

Return the bytes that are stored at the specified location.

Refer to the documentation for get.

get_async async

get_async(path: str, *, options: GetOptions | None = None) -> GetResult

Call get asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for get.


    path: str, *, start: int, end: int | None = None, length: int | None = None
) -> Bytes

Return the bytes stored at the specified location in the given byte range.

Refer to the documentation for get_range.

get_range_async async

    path: str, *, start: int, end: int | None = None, length: int | None = None
) -> Bytes

Call get_range asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for get_range.


    path: str,
    starts: Sequence[int],
    ends: Sequence[int] | None = None,
    lengths: Sequence[int] | None = None,
) -> list[Bytes]

Return the bytes stored at the specified location in the given byte ranges.

Refer to the documentation for get_ranges.

get_ranges_async async

    path: str,
    starts: Sequence[int],
    ends: Sequence[int] | None = None,
    lengths: Sequence[int] | None = None,
) -> list[Bytes]

Call get_ranges asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for get_ranges.


head(path: str) -> ObjectMeta

Return the metadata for the specified location.

Refer to the documentation for head.

head_async async

head_async(path: str) -> ObjectMeta

Call head asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for head_async.


    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: Literal[True],
) -> ListStream[RecordBatch]
    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: Literal[False] = False,
) -> ListStream[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: bool = False,
) -> ListStream[RecordBatch] | ListStream[list[ObjectMeta]]

List all the objects with the given prefix.

Refer to the documentation for list.


    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[True]
) -> ListResult[Table]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[False] = False
) -> ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: bool = False
) -> ListResult[Table] | ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]

List objects with the given prefix and an implementation specific delimiter.

Refer to the documentation for list_with_delimiter.

list_with_delimiter_async async

    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[True]
) -> ListResult[Table]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[False] = False
) -> ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: bool = False
) -> ListResult[Table] | ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]

Call list_with_delimiter asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for list_with_delimiter.


    path: str,
    file: IO[bytes]
    | Path
    | bytes
    | Buffer
    | Iterator[Buffer]
    | Iterable[Buffer],
    attributes: Attributes | None = None,
    tags: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    mode: PutMode | None = None,
    use_multipart: bool | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 5 * 1024 * 1024,
    max_concurrency: int = 12,
) -> PutResult

Save the provided bytes to the specified location.

Refer to the documentation for put.

put_async async

    path: str,
    file: IO[bytes]
    | Path
    | bytes
    | Buffer
    | AsyncIterator[Buffer]
    | AsyncIterable[Buffer]
    | Iterator[Buffer]
    | Iterable[Buffer],
    attributes: Attributes | None = None,
    tags: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    mode: PutMode | None = None,
    use_multipart: bool | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 5 * 1024 * 1024,
    max_concurrency: int = 12,
) -> PutResult

Call put asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for put. In addition to what the synchronous put allows for the file parameter, this also supports an async iterator or iterable of objects implementing the Python buffer protocol.

This means, for example, you can pass the result of get_async directly to put_async, and the request will be streamed through Python during the put operation:

import obstore as obs

# This only constructs the stream, it doesn't materialize the data in memory
resp = await obs.get_async(store1, path1)
# A streaming upload is created to copy the file to path2
await obs.put_async(store2, path2)


rename(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Move an object from one path to another in the same object store.

Refer to the documentation for rename.

rename_async async

rename_async(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Call rename asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for rename.