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Bases: TypedDict

HTTP client configuration.

For timeout values (connect_timeout, http2_keep_alive_timeout, pool_idle_timeout, and timeout), values can either be Python timedelta objects, or they can be "human-readable duration strings".

The human-readable duration string is a concatenation of time spans. Where each time span is an integer number and a suffix. Supported suffixes:

  • nsec, ns -- nanoseconds
  • usec, us -- microseconds
  • msec, ms -- milliseconds
  • seconds, second, sec, s
  • minutes, minute, min, m
  • hours, hour, hr, h
  • days, day, d
  • weeks, week, w
  • months, month, M -- defined as 30.44 days
  • years, year, y -- defined as 365.25 days

For example:

  • "2h 37min"
  • "32ms"

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import ClientConfig

allow_http instance-attribute

allow_http: bool

Allow non-TLS, i.e. non-HTTPS connections.

allow_invalid_certificates instance-attribute

allow_invalid_certificates: bool

Skip certificate validation on https connections.


You should think very carefully before using this method. If invalid certificates are trusted, any certificate for any site will be trusted for use. This includes expired certificates. This introduces significant vulnerabilities, and should only be used as a last resort or for testing

connect_timeout instance-attribute

connect_timeout: str | timedelta

Timeout for only the connect phase of a Client

default_content_type instance-attribute

default_content_type: str

default CONTENT_TYPE for uploads

http1_only instance-attribute

http1_only: bool

Only use http1 connections.

http2_keep_alive_interval instance-attribute

http2_keep_alive_interval: str

Interval for HTTP2 Ping frames should be sent to keep a connection alive.

http2_keep_alive_timeout instance-attribute

http2_keep_alive_timeout: str | timedelta

Timeout for receiving an acknowledgement of the keep-alive ping.

http2_keep_alive_while_idle instance-attribute

http2_keep_alive_while_idle: str

Enable HTTP2 keep alive pings for idle connections

http2_only instance-attribute

http2_only: bool

Only use http2 connections

pool_idle_timeout instance-attribute

pool_idle_timeout: str | timedelta

The pool max idle timeout.

This is the length of time an idle connection will be kept alive.

pool_max_idle_per_host instance-attribute

pool_max_idle_per_host: str

Maximum number of idle connections per host.

proxy_url instance-attribute

proxy_url: str

HTTP proxy to use for requests.

timeout instance-attribute

timeout: str | timedelta

Request timeout.

The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished.

user_agent instance-attribute

user_agent: str

User-Agent header to be used by this client.

Bases: TypedDict

Exponential backoff with jitter.


Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import BackoffConfig

base instance-attribute

base: int | float

The base of the exponential to use.

Defaults to 2.

init_backoff instance-attribute

init_backoff: timedelta

The initial backoff duration.

Defaults to 100 milliseconds.

max_backoff instance-attribute

max_backoff: timedelta

The maximum backoff duration.

Defaults to 15 seconds.

Bases: TypedDict

The configuration for how to respond to request errors.

The following categories of error will be retried:

  • 5xx server errors
  • Connection errors
  • Dropped connections
  • Timeouts for safe / read-only requests

Requests will be retried up to some limit, using exponential backoff with jitter. See BackoffConfig for more information

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import RetryConfig

backoff instance-attribute

backoff: BackoffConfig

The backoff configuration.

Defaults to the values listed above if not provided.

max_retries instance-attribute

max_retries: int

The maximum number of times to retry a request

Set to 0 to disable retries.

Defaults to 10.

retry_timeout instance-attribute

retry_timeout: timedelta

The maximum length of time from the initial request after which no further retries will be attempted

This not only bounds the length of time before a server error will be surfaced to the application, but also bounds the length of time a request's credentials must remain valid.

As requests are retried without renewing credentials or regenerating request payloads, this number should be kept below 5 minutes to avoid errors due to expired credentials and/or request payloads.

Defaults to 3 minutes.