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Configure a connection to Amazon S3 using the specified credentials in the specified Amazon region and bucket.

from_env classmethod

    bucket: str,
    config: Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None = None,
    client_options: Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None
) -> S3Store

Construct a new S3Store with regular AWS environment variables

Variables extracted from environment:


  • bucket (str) –

    The AWS bucket to use.

Other Parameters:

  • config (Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None) –

    AWS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the environment. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.


from_session classmethod

    session: Session | Session,
    bucket: str,
    config: Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None = None,
    client_options: Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None
) -> S3Store

Construct a new S3Store with credentials inferred from a boto3 Session


This is a convenience function for users who are already using boto3 or botocore. If you're not already using boto3 or botocore, use other classmethods, which do not need boto3 or botocore to be installed.


import boto3

session = boto3.Session()
store = S3Store.from_session(
    config={"AWS_REGION": "us-east-1"},


  • session (Session | Session) –

    The boto3.Session or botocore.session.Session to infer credentials from.

  • bucket (str) –

    The AWS bucket to use.

Other Parameters:

  • config (Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None) –

    AWS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the session. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.


from_url classmethod

    url: str,
    config: Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None = None,
    client_options: Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None
) -> S3Store

Parse available connection info from a well-known storage URL.

The supported url schemes are:

  • s3://<bucket>/<path>
  • s3a://<bucket>/<path>
  • https://s3.<region><bucket>
  • https://<bucket>.s3.<region>


  • url (str) –

    well-known storage URL.

Other Parameters:

  • config (Dict[S3ConfigKey | str, str] | None) –

    AWS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the url. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (Dict[ClientConfigKey, str | bool] | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.

Returns: module-attribute

S3ConfigKey = Literal[

Valid AWS S3 configuration keys.

Either lower case or upper case strings are accepted.

  • aws_access_key_id, access_key_id: AWS Access Key
  • aws_secret_access_key, secret_access_key: Secret Access Key
  • aws_region, region: Region
  • aws_default_region, default_region: Default region
  • aws_bucket, aws_bucket_name, bucket, bucket_name: Bucket name
  • aws_endpoint, aws_endpoint_url, endpoint, endpoint_url: Sets custom endpoint for communicating with AWS S3.
  • aws_session_token, aws_token, session_token, token: Token to use for requests (passed to underlying provider)
  • aws_imdsv1_fallback, imdsv1_fallback: Fall back to ImdsV1
  • aws_virtual_hosted_style_request, virtual_hosted_style_request: If virtual hosted style request has to be used
  • aws_unsigned_payload, unsigned_payload: Avoid computing payload checksum when calculating signature.
  • aws_metadata_endpoint, metadata_endpoint: Set the instance metadata endpoint
  • aws_disable_tagging, disable_tagging: Disable tagging objects. This can be desirable if not supported by the backing store.
  • aws_s3_express, s3_express: Enable Support for S3 Express One Zone