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Planetary Computer


A CredentialProvider for AzureStore for accessing Planetary Computer data resources.

This credential provider uses requests, and will error if that cannot be imported.


from import AzureStore
from obstore.auth.planetary_computer import PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider

url = ""

# Construct an AzureStore with this credential provider.
# The account, container, and container prefix are passed down to AzureStore
# automatically.
store = AzureStore(credential_provider=PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider(url))

# List some items in the container
items = next(store.list())

# Fetch a thumbnail
path = "44106/m_4410602_nw_13_060_20230712_20240103.200.jpg"
image_content = store.get(path).bytes()

# Write out the image content to a file in the current directory
with open("thumbnail.jpg", "wb") as f:


    url: str | None = None,
    account_name: str | None = None,
    container_name: str | None = None,
    session: Session | None = None,
    subscription_key: str | None = None,
    sas_url: str | None = None,
) -> None

Construct a new PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider.


  • url (str | None, default: None ) –

    Either the https or abfs URL of blob storage to mount to, such as "" or "abfs://daymet-zarr/daily/hi.zarr".

    For abfs URLs, account_name must be provided.

    For https URLs, neither account_name nor container_name may be provided.

    If url is not provided, account_name and container_name must be provided. Defaults to None.

Other Parameters:

  • account_name (str | None) –

    The Azure storage account name. Must be provided for abfs URLs. If url is not provided, both this and container_name must be provided. Defaults to None.

  • container_name (str | None) –

    The Azure storage container name. If url is not provided, both this and account_name must be provided. Defaults to None.

  • session (Session | None) –

    The requests session to use for making requests to the Planetary Computer token API. Defaults to None.

  • subscription_key (str | None) –

    A Planetary Computer subscription key.

    Precedence is as follows:

    1. Uses the passed-in value if not None.
    2. Uses the environment variable PC_SDK_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY if set.
    3. Uses the value of PC_SDK_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY in ~/.planetarycomputer/settings.env, if that file exists (requires python-dotenv as a dependency).
    4. Defaults to None, which may apply request throttling.
  • sas_url (str | None) –

    The URL base for requesting new Planetary Computer SAS tokens.

    Precedence is as follows:

    1. Uses the passed-in value if not None.
    2. Uses the environment variable PC_SDK_SAS_URL if set.
    3. Uses the value of PC_SDK_SAS_URL in ~/.planetarycomputer/settings.env, if that file exists (requires python-dotenv as a dependency).
    4. Defaults to "".

from_asset classmethod

    asset: Asset | dict[str, Any],
    session: Session | None = None,
    subscription_key: str | None = None,
    sas_url: str | None = None,
) -> Self

Create from a STAC Asset.


Other Parameters:

  • session (Session | None) –

    The requests session, passed on as a keyword argument to __init__.

  • subscription_key (str | None) –

    A Planetary Computer subscription key, passed on as a keyword argument to __init__.

  • sas_url (str | None) –

    The URL base for requesting new Planetary Computer SAS tokens, passed on as a keyword argument to __init__.


import pystac_client

from obstore.auth.planetary_computer import PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider

stac_url = ""
catalog =

collection = catalog.get_collection("daymet-daily-hi")
asset = collection.assets["zarr-abfs"]

credential_provider = PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider.from_asset(asset)


__call__() -> AzureSASToken

Fetch a new token.


A CredentialProvider for AzureStore for accessing Planetary Computer data resources.


    url: str | None = None,
    account_name: str | None = None,
    container_name: str | None = None,
    session: ClientSession | None = None,
    subscription_key: str | None = None,
    sas_url: str | None = None,
) -> None

Construct a new PlanetaryComputerAsyncCredentialProvider.

This credential provider uses aiohttp, and will error if that cannot be imported.

Refer to PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider for argument explanations.

from_asset classmethod

    asset: Asset | dict[str, Any],
    session: ClientSession | None = None,
    subscription_key: str | None = None,
    sas_url: str | None = None,
) -> Self

Create from a STAC Asset.

Refer to PlanetaryComputerCredentialProvider.from_asset for argument explanations.

__call__ async

__call__() -> AzureSASToken

Fetch a new token.