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Pickle Support

Obstore supports pickle, which is commonly used from inside Dask and similar libraries to manage state across distributed workers.

Not for persistence

The format used to pickle stores may change across versions. Pickle support is intended for execution frameworks like Dask that need to share state across workers that are using the same environments, including the same version of Python and obstore.


Obstore expects to support some sort of middleware in the future, such as for recording request metrics. It's unlikely that middlewares will support pickle.

MemoryStore not implemented

Pickling isn't supported for MemoryStore because we don't have a way to access the raw state of the store.

Custom authentication

As of obstore 0.5.0, custom authentication is supported.

Pickling works with a custom authentication provider so long as that Python callback can itself be pickled.

So, for example, the boto3 provider cannot be pickled, because a boto3.session.Session cannot be pickled, but a simple function can be.