Speedtest Data (ScatterplotLayer
This example will use data collected from Ookla's Speed Test application and shared publicly in the AWS Open Data Registry. From the AWS page:
Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance, allocated to zoom level 16 web mercator tiles (approximately 610.8 meters by 610.8 meters at the equator). Data is provided in both Shapefile format as well as Apache Parquet with geometries represented in Well Known Text (WKT) projected in EPSG:4326. Download speed, upload speed, and latency are collected via the Speedtest by Ookla applications for Android and iOS and averaged for each tile.
from pathlib import Path
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapely
from palettable.colorbrewer.diverging import BrBG_10
from lonboard import Map, ScatterplotLayer
from lonboard.colormap import apply_continuous_cmap
Fetch data¶
The URL for a single data file for mobile network speeds in the first quarter of 2019:
url = "https://ookla-open-data.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/parquet/performance/type=mobile/year=2019/quarter=1/2019-01-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet"
The data used in this example is relatively large. In the cell below, we cache the downloading and preparation of the dataset so that it's faster to run this notebook the second time.
We fetch two columns — avg_d_kbps
and tile
— from this data file directly from AWS. The pd.read_parquet
command will perform a network request for these columns from the data file, so it may take a while on a slow network connection. avg_d_kbps
is the average download speed for that data point in kilobits per second. tile
is the WKT string representing a given zoom-16 Web Mercator tile.
The tile
column contains strings representing WKT-formatted geometries. We need to parse those strings into geometries. Then for simplicity we'll convert into their centroids.
local_path = Path("internet-speeds.parquet")
if local_path.exists():
gdf = gpd.read_parquet(local_path)
columns = ["avg_d_kbps", "tile"]
df = pd.read_parquet(url, columns=columns)
tile_geometries = shapely.from_wkt(df["tile"])
tile_centroids = shapely.centroid(tile_geometries)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df[["avg_d_kbps"]], geometry=tile_centroids)
We can take a quick look at this data:
avg_d_kbps | geometry | |
0 | 5983 | POINT (-160.01862 70.63722) |
1 | 3748 | POINT (-160.04059 70.63357) |
2 | 3364 | POINT (-160.04059 70.63175) |
3 | 2381 | POINT (-160.03510 70.63357) |
4 | 3047 | POINT (-160.03510 70.63175) |
To ensure that this demo is snappy on most computers, we'll filter to a bounding box over Europe.
gdf = gdf.cx[-11.83:25.5, 34.9:59]
Even this filtered data frame still has 800,000 rows, so it's still a lot of data to explore:
avg_d_kbps | geometry | |
383429 | 13570 | POINT (-2.94159 58.99673) |
383430 | 18108 | POINT (-3.29865 58.96276) |
383431 | 5569 | POINT (-3.29315 58.97125) |
383432 | 9349 | POINT (-3.29315 58.96842) |
383433 | 11216 | POINT (-3.23273 58.98541) |
... | ... | ... |
1840929 | 104723 | POINT (25.38666 35.09519) |
1840930 | 62540 | POINT (25.44708 35.04124) |
1840931 | 88068 | POINT (25.47455 35.04124) |
1840938 | 38255 | POINT (25.38116 35.00075) |
1840939 | 91750 | POINT (25.45807 34.99175) |
807221 rows × 2 columns
To render point data, first create a ScatterplotLayer
and then add it to a Map
layer = ScatterplotLayer.from_geopandas(gdf)
m = Map(layer)
Map(layers=[ScatterplotLayer(table=pyarrow.Table avg_d_kbps: uint32 __index_level_0__: int64 geometry: fixed_s…
We can look at the documentation for ScatterplotLayer
to see what other rendering options it allows. Let's set the fill color to something other than black:
layer.get_fill_color = [0, 0, 200, 200]
Blue is pretty, but the map would be more informative if we colored each point by a relevant characteristic. In this case, we have the download speed associated with each location, so let's use that!
Here we compute a linear statistic for the download speed. Given a minimum bound of 5000
and a maximum bound of 50,000
the normalized speed is linearly scaled to between 0 and 1.
min_bound = 5000
max_bound = 50000
download_speed = gdf['avg_d_kbps']
normalized_download_speed = (download_speed - min_bound) / (max_bound - min_bound)
is now linearly scaled based on the bounds provided above. Keep in mind that the input range of the colormap is 0-1. So any values that are below 0 will receive the left-most color in the colormap, while any values above 1 will receive the right-most color in the colormap.
383429 0.190444 383430 0.291289 383431 0.012644 383432 0.096644 383433 0.138133 ... 1840929 2.216067 1840930 1.278667 1840931 1.845956 1840938 0.739000 1840939 1.927778 Name: avg_d_kbps, Length: 807221, dtype: float64
We can use any colormap provided by the palettable
package. Let's inspect the BrBG_10
diverging colormap below:
Now let's apply the colormap on normalized_download_speed
using a helper provided by lonboard
. We can set it on layer.get_fill_color
to update the existing colors.
layer.get_fill_color = apply_continuous_cmap(normalized_download_speed, BrBG_10)
After running the above cell, you should see the map above update with a different color per point!
We can pass an array into any of the "accessors" supported by the layer (this is any attribute that starts with get_*
For demonstration purposes, let's also set get_radius
to normalized_download_speed
layer.get_radius = normalized_download_speed * 200
layer.radius_units = "meters"
layer.radius_min_pixels = 0.5
After running the above cell, you should see the map updated to have a different radius per point!