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The top-level namespace accessible after import lonboard.

Layers are also accessible in the top-level namespace, but are documented in the layers/ folder.


viz(data: Union[gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoSeries, pa.Table, NDArray[np.object_], shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, GeoInterfaceProtocol, Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs) -> Union[ScatterplotLayer, PathLayer, SolidPolygonLayer]

A high-level function to plot your data easily.

This function accepts a variety of geospatial inputs:

  • geopandas GeoDataFrame
  • geopandas GeoSeries
  • numpy array of Shapely objects
  • Single Shapely object
  • Any Python class with a __geo_interface__ property conforming to the Geo Interface protocol.
  • dict holding GeoJSON-like data.
  • pyarrow Table with a geometry column marked with a GeoArrow extension type


Named args

Any other keyword arguments will be passed onto the relevant layer, either a ScatterplotLayer, PathLayer, or SolidPolygonLayer.
