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The ScatterplotLayer renders circles at given coordinates.

Screenshot from Ookla example.


The ScatterplotLayer renders circles at given coordinates.


import geopandas as gpd
from lonboard import ScatterplotLayer

# A GeoDataFrame with Point geometries
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame()
layer = ScatterplotLayer.from_geopandas(
    get_fill_color=[255, 0, 0],

antialiasing class-attribute instance-attribute

antialiasing = traitlets.Bool(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

If True, circles are rendered with smoothed edges. If False, circles are rendered with rough edges. Antialiasing can cause artifacts on edges of overlapping circles.

  • Type: bool, optional
  • Default: True

billboard class-attribute instance-attribute

billboard = traitlets.Bool(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

If True, rendered circles always face the camera. If False circles face up (i.e. are parallel with the ground plane).

  • Type: bool, optional
  • Default: False

filled class-attribute instance-attribute

filled = traitlets.Bool(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

Draw the filled area of points.

  • Type: bool, optional
  • Default: True

get_fill_color class-attribute instance-attribute

get_fill_color = ColorAccessor()

The filled color of each object in the format of [r, g, b, [a]]. Each channel is a number between 0-255 and a is 255 if not supplied.

  • Type: ColorAccessor, optional
    • If a single list or tuple is provided, it is used as the filled color for all objects.
    • If a numpy or pyarrow array is provided, each value in the array will be used as the filled color for the object at the same row index.
  • Default: [0, 0, 0, 255].

get_line_color class-attribute instance-attribute

get_line_color = ColorAccessor()

The outline color of each object in the format of [r, g, b, [a]]. Each channel is a number between 0-255 and a is 255 if not supplied.

  • Type: ColorAccessor, optional
    • If a single list or tuple is provided, it is used as the outline color for all objects.
    • If a numpy or pyarrow array is provided, each value in the array will be used as the outline color for the object at the same row index.
  • Default: [0, 0, 0, 255].

get_line_width class-attribute instance-attribute

get_line_width = FloatAccessor()

The width of the outline of each object, in units specified by line_width_units (default 'meters').

  • Type: FloatAccessor, optional
    • If a number is provided, it is used as the outline width for all objects.
    • If an array is provided, each value in the array will be used as the outline width for the object at the same row index.
  • Default: 1.

get_radius class-attribute instance-attribute

get_radius = FloatAccessor()

The radius of each object, in units specified by radius_units (default 'meters').

  • Type: FloatAccessor, optional
    • If a number is provided, it is used as the radius for all objects.
    • If an array is provided, each value in the array will be used as the radius for the object at the same row index.
  • Default: 1.

line_width_max_pixels class-attribute instance-attribute

line_width_max_pixels = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The maximum line width in pixels. This can be used to prevent the stroke from getting too thick when zoomed in.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: None

line_width_min_pixels class-attribute instance-attribute

line_width_min_pixels = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The minimum line width in pixels. This can be used to prevent the stroke from getting too thin when zoomed out.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: 0

line_width_scale class-attribute instance-attribute

line_width_scale = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

A global line width multiplier for all points.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: 1

line_width_units class-attribute instance-attribute

line_width_units = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The units of the line width, one of 'meters', 'common', and 'pixels'. See unit system.

  • Type: str, optional
  • Default: 'meters'

radius_max_pixels class-attribute instance-attribute

radius_max_pixels = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The maximum radius in pixels. This can be used to prevent the circle from getting too big when zoomed in.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: None

radius_min_pixels class-attribute instance-attribute

radius_min_pixels = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The minimum radius in pixels. This can be used to prevent the circle from getting too small when zoomed out.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: 0

radius_scale class-attribute instance-attribute

radius_scale = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

A global radius multiplier for all points.

  • Type: float, optional
  • Default: 1

radius_units class-attribute instance-attribute

radius_units = traitlets.Unicode('meters', allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

The units of the radius, one of 'meters', 'common', and 'pixels'. See unit system.

  • Type: str, optional
  • Default: 'meters'

stroked class-attribute instance-attribute

stroked = traitlets.Bool(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

Draw the outline of points.

  • Type: bool, optional
  • Default: False

from_geopandas classmethod

from_geopandas(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, **kwargs) -> ScatterplotLayer

Construct a ScatterplotLayer from a geopandas GeoDataFrame.

The GeoDataFrame will be reprojected to EPSG:4326 if it is not already in that coordinate system.


  • gdf (GeoDataFrame) –

    The GeoDataFrame to set on the layer.
