
February 2025 (subjective) status report


  • Reinvigorate Building It Out!
    • 🙅‍♂️💭 All benefits from discussion are exhausted
    • 🚀 GeoZarr can be successful if we act now
    • đź’” GeoZarr can fail if we don’t

What is Zarr?

An community-developed, open-source format for the storage of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays

  • Cloud optimized (concurrent read/writes, “infinitely” scalable)
  • Cross-disciplinary (originally developed for bio-imaging)
  • Extremely extensible (supports any key-value store)

What’s going on today?

  • Zarr is growing in popularity
  • Icechunk is improving consistency and performance
  • VirtualiZarr is simplifying virtualization
  • Progressing towards Zarr specification V3 across languages

Zarr implementation landscape

What is GeoZarr?

A geospatial extension for the Zarr specification, formalizing metadata expectations.

GeoZarr repository

Some history

GeoZarr commit activity

Why is this an exciting time?

Multi-dimensional geospatial solutions can bring real impact across humanitarian, scientific, and industrial needs

Why is this an exciting time?

Experimental CRS handling across the Python ecosystem

XProj repository

Why is this an exciting time?

Generic support for analytic/functional coordinates in Xarray

Flexible coordinates PR

Why is this an exciting time?

Draft ZEP for breaking the stalemate on building Zarr extensions

Zarr Extension Naming ZEP

Why is this an exciting time?

We have a deadline!

Cloud Native Geospatial Conference Home Page

What do we need?

To prove whether OGC TMS 2.0 is sufficient for performant and reliable rendering and analysis

OGC TMS 2.0 Standard

What do we need?

To push forward Xarray functional coordinates for geospatial

Pangeo issue on )NetCDF limitations

What do we need?

To demonstrate how XPublish and Titiler’s Xarray extension fit together (or not)

XPublish on GitHub

Titiler-multidim on GitHub

What do we need?

To show how to get the most out of Zarr and STAC

Issue on Zarr + STAC best practices

Let’s get going! 🚀