Get mapillary points
- It gets points and sequences for a bbox or boundaries from mapillary.
( * ) Convert the human date to timestamp (milliseconds) here.
( ** ) Download a short area in order to recognize the organization id, then check out if the organization id belongs to the required organization$ORGANIZATION_ID?access_token=$TOKEN&fields=name
--input_aoi | yes | Path to geojson file of boundaries or bbox in the format 'xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax'. |
--field_name | no | A field name from the GeoJSON boundaries. |
--timestamp_from * | no | Timestamp to filter images. Value in milliseconds. |
--only_pano | no | Filter only panoramic image. |
--organization_ids ** | no | Filter by organization id from Mapillary. |
--output_file_point | no | Pathfile for geojson point file. |
--output_file_sequence | no | Pathfile for geojson sequence file. |
GeoJSON file - mapillary points.
GeoJSON file - mapillary sequences.
Command line:
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/mnt/data -e MAPILLARY_ACCESS_TOKEN=${MAPILLARY_ACCESS_TOKEN} -it developmentseed/geokit:python.latest mapillary \
get_mapillary_points \
--input_aoi=<INPUT_GEOJSON> \
--field_name=area \
--timestamp_from=1651366800000 \
--organization_ids=1805883732926354 \
--output_file_point=<OUTPUT_GEOJSON_POINTS> \