Area per each feature
- It gets the area of each feature (Polygon/MultiPolygon) into a GeoJSON file and it will generate a new GeoJSON file with all features with an area attribute.
--geojson_input | yes | Path to GeoJSON to process. |
--unit_measurement | yes | Unit of area measurement: - square_meters: area in square meters. - hectares: area in hectares. - square_kilometers: area in square kilometers. |
--geojson_output | yes | Path to GeoJSON output. |
GeoJSON file - Each polygon/multipolygon feature in the GeoJSON file has an area attribute in the unit measurement selected.
Command line:
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/mnt/data developmentseed/geokit:python.latest geo \
featurearea \
--geojson_input=<INPUT_GEOJSON> \
--unit_measurement=square_kilometers \
Use case:
- Get the area in square kilometers of each polygon/multipolygon.