The LandScan global population data for Ethiopia was used to measure population distribution and dynamics in this project. The LandScan population distribution dataset is one of the available high-resolution (300m) global population datasets that has been developed and available since 1998. It was modeled and simulated based on sub-national level census counts for each country and uses a variety of remote sensing data. The data includes land cover, roads, slope, urban areas, village locations and also high-resolution satellite imagery analysis.
The population distribution map of LandScan was generating by using the modeled weight of the possible occurrence of population together with the understanding of the social-economic and cultural factors. A population likelihood coefficient is derived for each pixel and then applied to the census counts of interested areas as the control totals. The total population for that area is allocated to each cell proportionally to the calculated population coefficient. The resultant population count is an ambient or average day/night population count.