Built-up changes
In total, the lowlands of Ethiopia contain 212 woredas in nine regions. Eight of the nine regions experienced an increase built-up area between 2000 and 2017. Somali was the only lowland region in which built-up area did not increase during study period. Interactive plots showing changes in built-up area, along with the source code are available here.
On average, built-up as a proportion of total woreda area increased by 0.09% from 2000 to 2017. Several woredas experienced large increases built-up area, including Zala, SNNPR region, Sayo, Oromia region, and Hawa Galan, Oromia region. Zala woreda in SNNPR region experienced the largest proportional increase in built-up area over the time period for 1.7%. In general, built-up area increases in the southeast of Ethiopia, in Oromia and SNNPR regions as well in northeast, in Afar and Dire Dawa regions.
Afar, SNNPR, Dire Dawa, and Oromia regions are the most active regions have been going through built-up changes for the past 17 years.

Built-up in Afar region
Built-up area in four woredas in Afar - Aysaita, Dubti, Dewe, and Awash Fentale - increased at a greater rate than their neighbors. Built-up area in all but three woredas increased over the study period.

Build-up in Amhara region
Three of the 13 Amhara woredas - Takusa and Chilga particularly - stood out as urbanizing areas.

Build-up in Beneshangul Guru region
Built-up area increased the most in Pawe Special, Bambasi, Assosa and Homosha between 2000 and 2017 in Beneshangul Gumu region. Built-up area increased in all Beneshangul Gumu woredas.

Build-up in Dire Dawa region
Built-up area in both woredas in Dawa region - Dire Dawa Town and Dire Dawa - increased substantially relative to other woredas in lowland Ethiopia.

Build-up in Gambela region
Built-up area increased the most in Godere and Gambela Zaria woredas of Gambela region.

Build-up in Oromia region
Change in built-up area was faily consistent across the 38 woredas in Oromia region.

Build-up in SNNPR region
Built-up area tended to increase the most in the northeast of the SNNPR region.

Build-up in Somali region
Built-up area in Somali region did not increase relatively to other lowand regions.

Build-up in Tigray region
With the exception of the Kafta Humera woreda, built-up area in other woredas of Tigary region did not increase.