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Google Cloud Storage

Interface to Google Cloud Storage.

All constructors will check for environment variables. Refer to GCSConfig for valid environment variables.

If no credentials are explicitly provided, they will be sourced from the environment as documented here.

client_options property

client_options: ClientConfig | None

Get the store's client configuration.

config property

config: GCSConfig

Get the underlying GCS config parameters.

credential_provider property

credential_provider: GCSCredentialProvider | None

Get the store's credential provider.

prefix property

prefix: str | None

Get the prefix applied to all operations in this store, if any.

retry_config property

retry_config: RetryConfig | None

Get the store's retry configuration.


    bucket: str | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    config: GCSConfig | None = None,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
    credential_provider: GCSCredentialProvider | None = None,
    **kwargs: Unpack[GCSConfig],
) -> None

Construct a new GCSStore.


  • bucket (str | None, default: None ) –

    The GCS bucket to use.

Other Parameters:

  • prefix (str | None) –

    A prefix within the bucket to use for all operations.

  • config (GCSConfig | None) –

    GCS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the environment. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (ClientConfig | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.

  • credential_provider (GCSCredentialProvider | None) –

    A callback to provide custom Google credentials.

  • kwargs (Unpack[GCSConfig]) –

    GCS configuration values. Supports the same values as config, but as named keyword args.


  • None


from_url classmethod

    url: str,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    config: GCSConfig | None = None,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
    credential_provider: GCSCredentialProvider | None = None,
    **kwargs: Unpack[GCSConfig],
) -> Self

Construct a new GCSStore with values populated from a well-known storage URL.

The supported url schemes are:

  • gs://<bucket>/<path>


  • url (str) –

    well-known storage URL.

Other Parameters:

  • prefix (str | None) –

    A prefix within the bucket to use for all operations.

  • config (GCSConfig | None) –

    GCS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the url. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (ClientConfig | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.

  • credential_provider (GCSCredentialProvider | None) –

    A callback to provide custom Google credentials.

  • kwargs (Unpack[GCSConfig]) –

    GCS configuration values. Supports the same values as config, but as named keyword args.


  • Self


Bases: TypedDict

Configuration parameters for GCSStore.

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import GCSConfig

application_credentials instance-attribute

application_credentials: str

Application credentials path.



bucket instance-attribute

bucket: str

Bucket name. (required)

Environment variables:


service_account instance-attribute

service_account: str

Path to the service account file.

This or service_account_key must be set.

Example value "/tmp/gcs.json". Example contents of gcs.json:

   "gcs_base_url": "https://localhost:4443",
   "disable_oauth": true,
   "client_email": "",
   "private_key": ""

Environment variables:


service_account_key instance-attribute

service_account_key: str

The serialized service account key.

The service account must be in the JSON format. This or with_service_account_path must be set.

Environment variable: GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.

Bases: TypedDict

A Google Cloud Storage Credential.

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import GCSCredential

expires_at instance-attribute

expires_at: datetime | None

Expiry datetime of credential. The datetime should have time zone set.

If None, the credential will never expire.

token instance-attribute

token: str

An HTTP bearer token.

Bases: Protocol

A type hint for a synchronous or asynchronous callback to provide custom Google Cloud Storage credentials.

This should be passed into the credential_provider parameter of GCSStore.

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import GCSCredentialProvider

__call__ staticmethod

Return a GCSCredential.